In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
I could teach you wizardry too I guess but you really shouldn't go to Valinor it is terrible the Valar are evil.
"...that's pretty scary, but we really really want to meet aliens, so somebody might want to try it just in case it worked out."
"We're running out of places to live here, but aliens who know of more places to live or could show us how to find them would be able to help with that faster than we can work it out ourselves."
Well I think I should get Bella and then she can help you with that, she would be good at it.
"That sounds good except I'm worried about the thing you said where going to Matelia to get her is dangerous."
Yeah. I don't know what to do about that. I was just going to go anyway and leave really fast and hope it didn't squish me.
"Maybe some people here could help you? Since we definitely have people who would do really dangerous things in order to travel to other planets."
"They will want to make sure we have ways to get to other planets without you, and they will be worried for you since you look like a little child of our species, but I think they will want to try really hard to make you happy."
"I didn't know how old you were since you aren't an Amentan, but you look like a one year old Amentan."
You look like an eighty year old Elf maybe. Bella looked younger than you but that's because the Valar made her not get older.
You said that already. When Elves die we go to Mandos and he makes us a new body, when people from Materia die they go to an afterlife plane....