pre-Epic Epic lands on Pelape
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I think he wants to figure out a way to approach this less antagonistically and thinks it'll be easier without an audience.


Okay. You can yell at me if instead he is Melkorish and I will come get you.


I think he is only going to talk. I'll summarize for you when we're done if you like.




He's such a sweet kid. She gives him a hug and walks out with Aitim.


"He's adorable."


"I knooooooooow."


"A teleporting baby alien. I'm glad he landed on someone he trusts."


"I'm so curious to meet Bella."


"It seems rather likely that his spell didn't work because she's dead. But we'll certainly try."


"His spell might have not worked just because I'm similar enough, but I'd need to know more magic and look at it."


"Are you planning to quit your job and do magic with him?"


"Well, that probably depends on whether magic is out of caste income such that if I try that I'll starve."


"Let's assume not."


"I think the arcball blogosphere will survive without me."


"We're at odds here because I'd like as little as possible to depend on the whims of a very well-meaning one-year-old alien whose society has not invented, and does not seem to need, the concept of law enforcement. I think this is a kind of reasonable thing to want, but I recognize that you don't have much reason to expect us to keep you in the loop at all if everything doesn't depend on him."


"That actually isn't my concern. I don't think he's running on whim, anyway."


"He appears to be running on you."


"Yes. I voted for you for council, that doesn't mean I want to abdicate arbitrary responsibilities to you if I don't think what you're going to do with them makes sense."


And nobody voted for you for anything and so I'd rather not they all fall on you, he does not say because that really wouldn't help in the slightest. "What I want to do is get competent people figuring out how magic works so that we can find and travel to other planets as quickly as possible, without the apparently fairly minimal amount of leaking it'd take to get every government in the world their own magical research department. Research programs aren't going to end in mass extinction but research arms races absolutely can."


"I am genuinely skeptical that you can best avoid an arms race by involving the people who design armaments for a living."


"I know and respect a lot of university greens and I'm really not joking about 'can't keep a secret to save their life'. And there's no way any military aware that this exists won't be doing their very best to reverse-engineer it. We don't have a separate expansive infrastructure for important secret projects, and keeping something important quiet is hard, you don't achieve that unless you prioritize it."



"I don't want a war. I tried to keep us out of Voa. - I admittedly got us involved in Rivik last year but a war did not in fact result, and with better options we would not even have been risking it."

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