In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
It's the thing Bella was studying before she landed on us, it's reading peoples' minds but she doesn't do that except in the way osanwë works and mental blocks and therapy things. She healed my mom, my mom was dying.
Yeah. I was not supposed to rescue Bella because Materia might kill me for being arrogant.
"...well, this planet won't kill you for being arrogant. Do you think any other people you know might want to come here?"
"Well, I'd love to meet her when you figure out how to find her. How about people you already know how to find?"
I guess I could maybe invent a spell for that but rescuing Bella is more important.
"- it's just that people here have wanted to meet aliens for a really long time, and if you don't have a way that any of your people could find us again, like if you go to Matelia and it's too dangerous there, then nobody gets to meet aliens except me and Sofa."
"...I'm sure some people would love to learn Quenya and Pax but it doesn't tell us where to find your people or how to make it so they could hear us."