In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"Unfortunately the strategy and tactics applications tend to come bundled with some combination of violence and running around."
"Your world is - set up for violence - a lot. I guess that makes sense if there are, like, five Melkors."
"...well, we do keep having babies. So even murderers who kill a lot of people don't make much of a population dent."
"And they never sink continents or turn whole countries to desert or put out the lights in the sky or anything?"
" - I guess if Melkors couldn't do that then there could be more than five without the world ending."
"The government can do background checks, which determine if someone has a history of doing things that correlate with committing crimes. That's not perfect, though, hm."
"A subtle artist could make them not able to but we don't have one and it's better not to do that if you have other options."
"You can't invent that much powerful magic because science doesn't work there. There is some powerful magic but they don't have the kinds of things we'll be able to invent."
"...okay. Maybe the government will have some good ideas, maybe if I think about it longer I'll come up with something. For now I think I can be pretty sure I'm not going to do anything horrible with magic and I'm the only person here you've taught any."
"Our government is very corrupt, which means people often use government powers to do things like get money or privileges for themselves. He might do that. It's not the kind of thing that worries me tremendously though."
"Melkor kidnapped Elves and tortured them so their babies would come out wrong and tortured the babies and that's how he made orcs, which are another species that lives on Endorë, and then he made them all swear him eternal loyalty and go out to kidnap more Elves."
"I would be floored if Aitim or anyone else in the government had ever done anything that bad in their lives."