In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
What a good alien baby~ "Do you want me to hang out here while you get settled in or should I go pack now?"
Plumbing is really important! They don't have magic so they do this instead. The water is clean.
It gets piped away somewhere it can be filtered mechanically and by lots of useful plants until it's clean again.
He plays with faucets and resolves his suspicion and sings to himself and tests out the hotel bathrobes. "Your government is okay."
"I think Bella could maybe actually make them stop it but it's not the thing I'm good at."
"If I knew I could do it too. She'd be good at talking to them. The way you're good at talking to me."
"I'm not sure I'm actually good at talking to the government but maybe I would be if I were different the ways she is from me."
"Well, for one thing I've never tried it before and if I did I'd expect it to be hard because I'm grey and not even one of the grey occupations they sometimes listen to."
"Running around and hitting things. Strategy and tactics. Looking really in shape all the time."
"I think Bella would probably be good at strategy and tactics. Very bad at the other things."