In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"It's nice, I've never been to a place this fancy. Plus they have a pool, that's nice. I usually swim most days."
" - is a movie being filmed here?"
", but that means no one will think much of lots of people going in and out."
"But that's lying."
"It doesn't matter very much to most people whether a movie is being filmed here," Pelape says to Fëanáro, "and it means you can be here where it's pretty without lots of people freaking out. People would freak out if they just said 'we're emptying this resort for secret reasons' because they'd make stuff up that was scary."
"First thing that would occur to me if, say, my usual pool was shut down for secret reasons, would be 'inspectors found a public health violation but don't want to cause a panic'."
Wow. "Should I have packed? Should I ask my parents to put together a suitcase for me?"
"It seems like it might not be a good idea for Fëanáro to go all around the city but you should feel free to go get anything you need, or have it dropped off if that's easier."
"Osanwë helps a lot. And Anitami is like Quenya a little - not like they have a common ancestor just it does things similarly."