In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
...oh. Uh, Amentans don't have that problem. Some people if they can pay for the guards themselves can be under house arrest instead...
I'm not scared of your government if they are mean I will leave. But I am scared about all of the Melkors. One Melkor was pretty bad.
I think maybe we're used to it more than you would be if there was only ever one. They're bad, but each additional one is not special.
Lots of reasons. Revenge, mental illness, trying to get some political thing they want.
When Bella first arrived she thought the King might kill her for no real reason but she's from Materia which is terrible.
Sorry the worlds keep being terrible. People who are executed here do usually have a conviction for something.
They're useful because you can put a lot of people on top of each other in the same land area.
There's a lot of steel and concrete involved, I think. They're also only practical after you've invented elevators.