In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
Sure. Uh. This is a car, people don't usually use them but they're useful if you want to get directly from one building to another, or get somewhere privately, or need to carry a lot of stuff... usually we use trains, which are sort of like a lot of cars strung together running on tracks, mostly underground.
He gets in. So does Aitim and another blue and a green and a grey; it is a big car.
I'm not sure. Just - what everything means and what everyone isn't saying and what Bella would notice if she were here.
I'll try.
The other grey is some kind of security guard. She might have a gun. I don't recognize the other blue, he might be someone who works for Aitim or someone who just also has an interest in aliens, which could be anybody. Green might be some kind of xenologer who wants to study you but I don't know what about you interests this one, she could be a linguist or a biologist or a physicist or anything.
It's a weapon for accelerating small hard things into faraway targets very fast.
If someone decided to try to kidnap you or assassinate Aitim or something, she could shoot them.
That sounds useful. We have such a thing as guns that shoot tranquilizing drugs but they can still seriously hurt people and aren't in common use.
It seems like you would have to be way way more careful about not hurting people than us since if they die it's forever.
Also there's - we try hard to save people who are sick or something, but if someone is going around doing bad things, a lot of people want them to die because that would mean another family could have a baby next year.
Yeah. I think we should be less like that. But it's very common. Also sometimes people who go around doing bad things are doing fatally bad things, and then if they succeed someone who exists is also gone forever. Maybe several people.
The Valar stopped him and put him in jail for three Ages and now nobody does that.
And once you have planets you'll stop that because you're doing it because of the space thing?
We might do it less. I'm not sure we'll stop altogether. We will still need something to do about people who commit crimes.