In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"It sounds it. You'd have to be able to do it for most everybody, though, a few people not wanting kids so badly wouldn't do it."
"That might be too much work for Bella but maybe we can rescue more people." He frowns and buries his face in her shirt. "Course that might be complicated because subtle artists who aren't nice could do mean things."
"And some people might not want to be changed, so we'd still need planets for them."
"I don't know how hard planets will be. I guess if you have magic and science probably not very."
"Magic is pretty impressive and it turns out not that hard to start learning, so yeah."
"Bella thinks you have to be pretty smart to learn magic not all people in her world can. But lots can for sure."
"Well, not everybody has to do a thing for everybody to get the value out of it."
"I've got most of an email written up. But I couldn't find a really good channel to use to tell them so I'm going to ask my dad when he wakes up because he's a cop and might have a better channel."
"There are six hundred million people in the country. Some of them are really silly and might tell the government there was an alien if they saw a raccoon. So they have people whose job it is to read mail to a specific address, and sort out the raccoons from the real aliens. But my dad works at a job where he is trusted not to be silly so he might have an address to talk to with less filtering."
"It was just an example I made up, but there are people who are that silly even if they aren't silly in exactly that way."
"I don't think there are Elves who are that silly. You would just tell the King about an alien."
"There are not six hundred million Elves. But there are enough they might bother the King a lot if they bothered him over raccoons."
"Raccoons was a made up example. When the government comes you can ask them what they've heard lately."