In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"I can show you but it's - not nice like the cantrip, it's really messy, it took me most of a year and it's complicated -"
Nod nod. "I can show you another cantrip? The one that does the illusion letters?"
"I really really like languages. I - I need to think. I am sad because I have not rescued Bella and I guess maybe I am a little homesick and I don't know what was wrong wth my spell and I want to learn all the languages but what if Bella is in a bad afterlife and also this world needs magic but maybe you can just teach them and that is just. A lot of things. I thought I was going to get Bella and then I would not have to worry about all of these things because she would fix them."
"Blues run the government. They have yellow assistants and for aliens will probably bring by greens who want to learn about you too."
"Yeah. I know some things about what politics the famous ones support but not if they're nice people."