In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"Bella was trying to convince the Valar of things but then they got unreasonable about it."
"That they should not insist on fixing people before making them alive again and that it's okay if -" vague confusion, something to do with people wanting to kiss the wrong people?
"They can change things about them. Bella can do it too with subtle arts and she's better at it but she wouldn't without them saying okay and the Valar won't make you alive again unless you say okay and Bella said that doesn't count as them saying okay if they have to to be alive."
"Yes that's what Bella said. She was scared about saying it because in her world gods are mean and will not like you if you say they are doing a bad thing, but we thought the Valar were okay but then they weren't."
"If this world does not have any gods then maybe we will just stay here after we have rescued Bella. I think Bella would like to have a planet. She would be good at it. What color is having a planet. What is a planet exactly, is it the same as a world."
"Blue is ruling things. A planet is the thing we're standing on, a world can sometimes mean a planet but in science fiction it sometimes means an alternate dimension instead."
"I don't know if Bella will want to rule things. Maybe. It would be a lot of boring things instead of learning magic."
"I mean. The planet is already fully settled, you'd have to find her a different one or fight people over this one."
" - I mean a different one, it sounds like we need to find you more ones anyway."
"No they're not. They learn things in such fascinating increments and they make funny noises and they're soft and snuggly."
"You must have pretty amazing pillows. Are pillows also warm and heavy and capable of love?"
"There are around a hundred thousand Elves in Valinor and about that many who did not go to Valinor in the first place."