In the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, there sleeps a grey. (In the top bunk of same there also sleeps a grey but the bottom one is more immediately relevant.)
"...yeah, I guess. Uh, on any given day I might throw out food wrappers, packaging, swept-up dust and crumbs, tissues, worn-through socks..."
"Food does not wrappers, socks does not wear through, packaging I don't know, tissues I don't know - I don't know those things, not I don't know how we throw out. We do not dust, crumbs go in a flower basket where they turn into food for flowers."
"There are kinds of food that are not good to eat while flying, food gets everywhere? You eat it with -" dishes.
" - the kitchen has a big dish. You pour milk in from a -" pitcher - "and then you move it until butter. I think. I have not made butter."
"...I guess there aren't very many of you. Why don't your socks wear through, do you have magic socks?"
"Yeah. The same way you can sand wood into a shape. - sawdust, do you not throw away sawdust? Or is that flower food too?"
"I think flowerbeds can turn sawdust into flower food. I don't know, I do not sawdust either."
"Gosh. An entirely refuse-free society. The government is going to be worried you'll think we're gross."
"The colors thing is stupid but I don't care about the garbage. Maybe with magic you will not need garbage."
"Would they have stopped the Valar being bad and evil because then maybe we need them too."
"...I mean, they're not equipped to deal with magic people of any description. I guess if the Valar would obey laws then they could have made laws against what they did but they'd have a hard time arresting them if they didn't want to be arrested, probably."