Amadahni is a sprawling port city nestled in an enormous crater. The side closest to the ocean has slumped into the sea, two breaches in the mountain range allowing water in. A tall sea wall protects the city proper from any inundation, and there's a thin beach mostly covered by the wooden dock. The majority of the ships there seem to be local fishing boats or ferries from the outlying island, hardly sea worthy, but there are a few larger, fancier ships, including some incredibly beautiful ley ships. The city itself is laid out as a giant grid, the broad streets gently sloping upwards to the crater's center, which hosts a gargantuan platform with four buildings laid out along the cardinal directions. The west and east ones are step pyramids, larger than the other two, which are at a closer glance actually compounds of closely clustered square buildings. The central plaza is fairly busy with people going to and fro. The city gleams in the early light, white stucco formed into intricate patterns along the building walls, some painted, some covered in flowers.
Their approach is getting a small amount of attention - a few people are lined up along the sea wall to watch them come in, and the people on the dock occasionally pause to glance over at their strange airship.