Remei falls into step with Antoni after their committee concludes. "What part of the country are you from?" she asks. "I live in Ravounel, when I'm home.'
"I'm afraid I haven't had the honor of meeting him yet." That's not a terrible sign, for a baron, but it does suggest he isn't being proactively invited to the sort of gathering frequented by the Archduke.
Smile. "Of course. It's not as if either of them is stepping into an easy role."
"I hope they're all of them equal to it. Who've you got tending to your own responsibilities, at home?"
"My younger brother, and my wife. And yourself?"
(He is absolutely not letting Joan anywhere near his administrative responsibilities, but she doesn't need to know that.)
Sympathetic nod. "I wish you the best of luck navigating the situation back home."
(He mentally downgrades the extent to which he needs to ensure that the Succession Committee's final proposal accommodates her situation. It would still be nice to have, he wants it to pass the committee unanimously, but if it turns out there's no way to make things work and get it through the convention at the same time he'll do what he has to.)
"Good evening," Remei nods, peeling off now that they have both reduced their estimate of the other's usefulness.