"That was a bit of a pain in the ass," Ena mutters, kicking the dead vampire. "Anything interesting in that book?"
"Sure. The safehouse is probably the best place for that, I'm not the only one who uses this office. Besides, I have healing potions there."
She heads to the safe house, ducks into the crafting room to grab a healing potion off the shelf above the alchemy lab, and then hums. "Now, where to do this... Here's fine, I suppose."
"All right." Elana bares her teeth, fangs very much in evidence, and goes for the neck.
She drinks the healing potion and rubs at her neck as the familiar itchy sensation of flesh knitting back together and blood replenishing takes over.
"Not as bad as a dragon's attack, but would not recommend it recreationally. Still. Interesting experience."
"So. Do you mind sitting down and answering some of my questions? I'll try to steer away from personal topics."
Questions! Mostly on ancient history, some on vampires and their culture. There's a lot.
She didn't actually spend a lot of time out and about, and politics is mostly uninteresting to her. She's knowledgeable about the culture of Skyrim vampires, less so for other areas of Tamriel.
She's still bound to know things like the names and reputations of High Kings and Jarls, some about what was relatively recent history for her but is ancient history for Malielle, like the Dragon War...
She definitely likes Elana!
"Do you want a full tour of the museum?" she asks after a bit.
Museum tour! The library connects to the armories (which are only mostly full), the Dragonborn Hall (which doesn't have much yet), and the Hall of Heroes (classic weapons from around Tamriel, plus a display of metallic claws and dragon priest masks), which then connects to the Upper Gallery (weapon and armor sets, mostly), the Gallery of Natural Science, the Hall of Oddities, the Culture and Art Gallery, the Daedric Gallery, and the Hall of Lost Empires (dwemer, falmer, and the ancient Nords).
"We're also planning a Planetarium, but it's not ready yet," she says.
(The museum isn't quite full - there's obviously a lot of space for expansion.)