"That was a bit of a pain in the ass," Ena mutters, kicking the dead vampire. "Anything interesting in that book?"
Harkon welcomes them back. "So you out of all my court have succeeded. Well done. Now, the contents of the scroll - "
"Ah. Yes! I admit, I was looking forward to this," he says as he takes the scroll from her. He opens it, then:
"I see a vision before me, an image of a great bow. I know this weapon, Auriel's Bow! Now a voice whispers, saying "Among the night's children, a dread lord will rise. In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night and day will be as one." The voice fades and the words shimmer and distort. But - there's more. The secret of the bow's power is written elsewhere, in other scrolls. I see them now... One for the ancient secrets of the dragons, another for the potency of ancient blood. Now my vision darkens, and I see no more."
"Well, that answered an awful lot," Ena mutters, voice faintly sarcastic. "Priest, do you know anything of the other scrolls?"
"No," he answers. "Just that there are two, and they contain the rest of the prophecy."
"And the scrolls could be anywhere. Though the College might be a good place to start for rumors..."
Then they're off to Winterhold.
"One hopes these scrolls do not prove as troublesome as the last."
"To get? Relatively simple. But I ended up stuck in a coffin for four Eras with it."
"The good news is that we're only actually looking for one scroll. The Blood Scroll, my mother has. We found it before we were separated."
"This Dragon Scroll. Something tells me we're going to be running into your sister."
"That'd be a slightly bizarre coincidence, but I'm wouldn't be too surprised. Though the Dawnguard might be separately after the scrolls. Or she might get it into her head that it'll help her fight dragons."
The road's long, and mostly boring - there aren't many wild animals or wandering bandits that're a match for the two of them.
As they're approaching Winterhold, there's a roar in the distance, and a dark shape flits through the clouds. Ena curses, hand going to her bow. "That would be a dragon."
The dragon arcs towards the town, notices them, and curves around, mouth brimming with lightning.
Ena summons a flame atronach, then darts to the side, gets slightly under cover, fires off an arrow, then another in rapid sequence. The atronach charges the dragon, shooting off fireballs and drawing its attention.
She charges up a double fistful of lightning and fires at the dragon, aiming for a wing. Much easier to fight something that can't fly.
The dragon banks, but her lightning strikes the edge of its wing. It roars, and strafes her position with lightning. Ena shoots arrows as long as she can, then dives behind her cover.