"That was a bit of a pain in the ass," Ena mutters, kicking the dead vampire. "Anything interesting in that book?"
"Procrastination on cleaning?" she offers almost whimsically. "Or maybe they ate the janitor."
"There's been attacks, lately, all over. Do you know why the main court isn't traveling anymore?"
"I don't know that they're strictly not. Perhaps Harkon is conserving strength for something."
"Not as of yet." A lie, strictly speaking. But it's still- too early, to involve her.
"The attacks have mostly been annoying in the cities, really. Not as bad as the dragon attacks, though I think a few guards have gotten killed..."
"To be honest, might also be a comparison thing - before the war, I would've thought even a few guards dead was a huge problem. The vampires at least don't pursue people into their houses, and attack at night when only guards, adventurers, and drunks are about. Sometimes a dragon will manage to set a major part of a town on fire. Though it definitely does seem like you all could be doing much worse..."
"Yeah, if the vampires were worse than the dragons or the war there'd be more than just the Dawnguard hunting you."
"Vampire hunters. There's not many now - me and Lianda were two of only three new recruits, and I think I only saw three or four other people. I think they're trying to absorb some of the remaining Vigilants of Stendarr, and Lianda's been helping them recruit. She - has a way with people, and a lot of adventurers owe her favors, there's a good chance she'll be able to help bolster their ranks. I don't know much about their history, but I think they only really formed in response to the vampire attacks."
"To be honest? I have no idea. With me here Lianda's more likely to take it personally, but - the dragons are probably a bigger threat in her eyes, so I suspect she'll be focusing on those."