"That was a bit of a pain in the ass," Ena mutters, kicking the dead vampire. "Anything interesting in that book?"
Who drops down and swirls, claws lashing out. She's much more used to fighting with daggers, but it's clear she has some unarmed experience.
Ena's definitely losing this spar, but she does her best to make Elana work for it. (It might be clear that she's not super used to opponents who fight back, though she starts adapting relatively quickly).
Elana doesn't end it quickly. That would hardly be conducive to getting exercise. She can demonstrate a few tricks and see if Ena picks up on them.
Good. Then it's time to end this.
She jumps back and up, and hits her opponent with a paralyze spell she shapes with both hands.
It does, then Ena detransforms. "Ugh. Those're annoying. Good fight, though. I learned a lot."
"I'd like to drill some of those tricks for a bit, my reaction time wasn't ideal. Feel free to go do your own thing, I can't imagine that standing around watching me stumble through this is all that entertaining."
And to practice she goes, until she's run herself fairly ragged. She takes a bit to recuperate, then goes to find Elana.
"Mm." She closes it and sets it aside. "Troubling, moreso. Have you finished?"
"Yes." She stands.
Cathedral she's seen, main hall she's seen, that way to Harkon's wing, stay away. Library, alchemy lab, enchanting lab. Common quarters for the rest of the court, kitchen. Armory, smithy, archery range and practice dummies. And finally, in the bowels of the castle, the cattle pen.
She's mostly interested in the labs and library, somewhat in the archery range. She raises an eyebrow at the cells, but doesn't otherwise react; it makes sense, now that she thinks about it.
"Alright. This place has pretty good facilities, better than anything else I've seen in Skyrim. Though the castle itself seems - a bit neglected."