"That was a bit of a pain in the ass," Ena mutters, kicking the dead vampire. "Anything interesting in that book?"
"This is where my sister was - I think she came to Skyrim on her father's trail, he was a Nord - and Hammerfell was becoming... Not a place to stay, what with the Thalmor. Skyrim's at least a lot less friendly to the elves."
Snort. "I've heard some people declaring that the dragons are the end of the world, but - that's just so ridiculous to me. We survived the Dragon Break and the Oblivion Crisis, a bunch of overgrown fire lizards that're mostly just in Skyrim are hardly going to threaten everything."
"People like to think they live at the end of days. It makes them feel important."
"Doesn't sound like much fun to start with. I generally prefer the world stay put."
"Yet there's always someone who seems oddly excited about their end-of-world prophecy."