There is a small man with a paintbrush in his hand, kneeling on dry cracked ground beside a large round metal plate, painting the plate with coloured inks drawn somehow from glass spheres in the open case that lies on the ground beside him. Occasionally he checks his work against the book propped up beside the case.
"Yeah, I guess so," he says. "Anyway. Bacon plant."
It's a tangly little shrub. Rolled-up strips of raw bacon sprout from its coiling branches.
"There's lots of magic where I'm from but none of it can create persistently magical effects unless you count the indestructibility; everything has to work by the laws of physics once it gets there. This plant could conceivably be managing to do that somehow but it implies some combination of a magic system that can handle the design of a thing that does that somehow, on its own, or an inventing civilization that could invent it and thought this was the best use of their incredible biological knowledge. Or, this magic system works very differently from the ones I'm used to, but is based on similar enough underlying principles that it has 'bacon' as a concept."
"Basically all the magic I ever saw before I got here came from an athra creating a persistently magical effect," says the still-unnamed eldritch crystalline horror. "So there's that."
"Nnnno, not remotely. From everything I can tell, there used to be humans on this planet and now there aren't anymore, and it's hard to imagine an athra fucking up that badly at the whole 'not killing anyone' thing. And even besides that it's just... not their style."
"Nice to meet you! You're a big improvement over being trapped alone on a dead planet forever!"
"I have books! I can't read the language but I've made some progress on interpreting them anyway."
"I can probably speed that up - I'd only get the language for free if someone who knew it summoned me, but I can do computer analysis if you've got enough text."
"I dunno if I have enough text. I can show you my books, though, c'mon in."
There is a door in the side of the hill. Inside there are a bunch of boxy packs hanging on pegs on the wall, and some storage cabinets, and a big table with a small pile of books on it.
"Emergency magic kits. They have plates for painting magic diagrams on, and paintbrushes for painting them with, and recipe books for copying diagrams out of, and balls of magic ink."
"...naturally. If they had enough stuff to grow a bacon plant I wonder what killed them. If this is in fact a remnant of an entire civilization, though, I should be able to get more text than what you happen to have here."
"Yeah, exactly. If this is some weird athra prank or whatever, there will be no result beyond what you've got on the shelves if I try to conjure up 'the complete works ever produced in this language' for a translation program to chew on, but if there was a whole civilization, they presumably wrote more than that."