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This is the committee on reconquering the former empire
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Joan-Pau Ardiaca is ready and waiting for the committee to assemble. He has stacks of papers at every place at table, a secretary taking notes, and he got Feliu to stand in a corner looking very Iomedaean, just in case anyone wants the opinion of a chosen paladin of Iomedae on whether this program is righteous or not. 

There's committees that matter, and committees that don't matter, and committees that determine if his homeland will be freed from the forces of We're Not Hell, We're Just Willing To Make Alliances As Serves Our National Interests.

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Higini did not want to join any committees. But if someone says "hey, we need a sortition" and looks right at you and says "you, you're a sortition, come this way!", then refusing too vociferously is not, itself, a good way of avoiding attention. And he didn't quite have the humility to pretend to be feebleminded, which - he saw - didn't even work.

So now he is on this committee and just hopes he can get through it on a budget of about ten words so all anyone remembers about him is 'quiet'.


(Carlota's not here but that servant over in the corner is in her livery and taking notes. This is one of the ones that matters.)


Eulàlia was not planning to come but Joan-Pau is gorgeous and reportedly single and if you want to land a gorgeous man you have to show up when he plans his conquests of the continent.


If there's one thing Alfons-Valentí hates more than taxes it's... Hell. It's Hell if he's only allowed to pick one. But he's not only allowed to pick one! He's got room for lots of things to hate more than taxes! Most topically, rebels and pirates. And republics. Alfons-Valení is willing to vote the queen as many taxes as she wants (within reason) to put an end to the rebellious pirate republic of Andoran, though he's sincerely hoping that there's no need to and they will rejoin the fold peacefully.


Let's see if she can limit the damage.


And he's here to vote against declaring war on Iomedae's own allies, which Joan-Pau and all his rebel friends are oh-so-eager to do.


"Welcome to the Committee On Relations With Those People Kin To The Chelish People, everyone," he says. There's a slight friendly teasing tone in his voice, with that title. "Also known as the Committee on the Empire. Thank you all for coming."

There's a map, on the table, already spread out. Two maps, really. The first is an absolutely lovely one of the former state of Cheliax that used to be called the Western Empire, the entire nation a flowing patch of good old Arodenite gold and green. The second is a modern map of southern Avistan and the inner sea in the modern age, and was designed to be legible far more than pretty.

"It's been a hundred years since Cheliax fell. Since that time, province after province has been clawed out of the grasp of Asmodeus - Molthune, Rahadoum, Korvosa, Galt, Andoran. Now the homeland is liberated, but there's still a great deal of work to be done; every former Archduchy is glowering at every other, the northern reaches are engaged in a bitter civil war and we're a hairs-breadth from the Great Avistani War resuming.

"United, we put up the Arch of Aroden. Divided, as can be seen both by reading history and looking out the window, we spend our time bickering and killing each other. The bonds of kinship and companionship - religion, language, blood; marriage ties across the border and a single code of laws from Galt to Rahadoum - forged a single nation and the longest era of peace and prosperity since Earthfall.

"Now these bonds are fraying, and we have two choices. We can try to rebuild these bonds, and create a new Chelish world, not the one we lost but every bit as peaceful and prosperous - or we can let them go, and condemn ourselves to Taldor-Qadira relations on every border, a war every twenty years time without end amen until what men used to call the Western Empire is indistinguishable from the River Kingdoms.

"I don't mean to preach violence. To conquer a land against the wishes of its people is to make enemies; an unprovoked invasion of Andoran would shatter the bonds between us forever and leave behind a legacy of mistrust, even if all went perfectly in the war itself. Where there are godly governments representative of the will of their people, we must pursue better options. War must only be considered where there is no other alternative, and we must all pray that will be rarely.

"You have all been provided with dossiers, to refresh your knowledge on the recent history and politics of every one of the Taldane-speaking states." And include the Galtophiles' best knowledge of their land area, fortifications, diplomatic relations and military forces. "The purpose of this committee is to attempt to answer the following questions: Do we seek unity, or do we seek division? How do we approach our neighbors? What attitude should we take to the governments now in place? Where active warfare between contending factions claiming legitimacy exists, as it does in the northern reaches and as it has recently in Galt and Rahadoum, what should our policies be? How should we maintain relations with Taldor and Absalom, neither of them former parts of Cheliax but both undeniably our own blood kin?

"Some of these questions, I think I have answers to." Others - his smile flashes "- I'm still hoping to work it out. But whatever path we take, I'm glad to have you all here. Historians will read about us for a thousand years, and we should all pray for the sake of our own reputations we get it right."


Xavier, who is ducking in between other meetings but mostly just hanging out in the background, will clap.


Feliu thinks that this is a mildly dishonest way of starting a war with the forces of evil but doesn't think it's Lawless and is really pretty sure that the forces of evil should have wars started with them.


And the horse you rode in on, Joan-Pau.

"The question we have to ask is simple," he agrees, turning to survey the room. "The question is, are we going to start making war on the people who were our own allies against the Asmodeans? Because it really is that simple. Molthune, Andoran, Rahadoum, and Galt - that's the people who helped us win the war. There's Galtan and Rahadoumi armies maintaining order now, and we've got no armies of our own but the Asmodean ones. Are we going to carry out Norgorber's own backstab, an act of Evil and Chaos that leaves everyone in the world but a couple demon lords staring in horror and also screws us over? Are we going to just be Asmodeus, Mark Two, This Time We're Only Sending People To Hell Accidentally? Or are we going to do the decent thing, and say - we're not going to fight wars with our allies. Because once you answer that one, all the other questions are really simple."


Higini thought the new Queen married the guy in charge of Galt and figured this made Galt and Cheliax part of the same country again but apparently he doesn't know anything, further justifying his decision to Shut Completely Up.


If he can read, his dossier says that! Just in more words.


He can read. He will bury his face in the provided reading material.


The provided reading material explains the legal status of each of the countries!

Rahadoum has been independent since the Great Chelish Civil War. It is an atheist (they kill all clerics who enter the country) 'republic' (public ballot, you can only vote for candidates the secret police, the Pure Legion, approves of) under the shield of powerful asuras, Lawful Evil outsiders who hate all gods and murder every cleric in the country, and is dominated by the northern coastal cities; various southern tribes with a habit of worshipping Sarenrae try to rebel against them regularly. They were on our side in the Four Day War and took our southernmost province and sacked Corentyn. Discussions of the personality of the Keeper of the First Law, discussion of the Pure Legion, discussion of their healing (druids and wands and desperately trying to attract song-sorcerers), discussion of their army, discussion of their various rebellions. Mention the failed embassy to Razmiran on the grounds that Razmir wasn't a god and if he'd knock off claiming to be one maybe he could rent them some healers.

Isger is in personal union with the Queen (that is, she is Queen of both Isger and Cheliax, separately) and we want to try to resolve their legal status. They used to be diabolist like Cheliax, though they were slightly less diabolist than Cheliax. They were on the Chelish side on every war. Discussion of various things about them.

Andoran got independence a bit after Galt and is a republic, though they have only ever elected one guy to the top position and he's held it consistently ever since they got independence. He's a paladin of Iomedae, so that's pretty good; discussion of him (positive), discussion of his possible successors (less positive). They also helped us out in both of the last go-rounds of the war with the Asmodeans, though they did make peace when Molthune did until the Four Day War. Abolition of slavery! Bicameral legislature! Piracy! Orphans! So, so many orphans! Having no slaves has worked out pretty well for them but the orphan thing is just dreadful. They've got Felandriel Morgethai, an archmage. Our archmages like her. Discussion of their army, discussion of their internal angry political divisions...

Molthune province was settled by exiles from the Great Chelish Civil War, and is ruled by a military dictatorship that claims to be the legitimate army of Cheliax and has also conquered some bits of Varisia. They dropped out of the war when Cheliax bribed them enough, and most of their best people ran off and joined Galt once the Four Days War started or came home to their lands in Cheliax after the country was freed, with only the diehard holdouts in the leadership remaining. Their leader is an evil seventh-circle wizard suspected to be plotting lichdom. They're fighting a constant war against a lot of their people, who hate their government and want to be free of it. Discussion of their army and how it mostly is now working for men loyal to the true Queen of Cheliax.

Galt used to be a province of Cheliax until they rebelled, then was a constitutional monarchy, then a republic and is now a constitutional empire (upper house does mostly symbolic and aristocratic stuff, lower stuff needs to pass laws, there are two lower houses one of which debates laws and the other of which passes laws) after several bloody changes of government, ruled by the brilliant and ambitious Emperor Cyprian, our Queen's consort. Though the Emperor of Galt and the Queen of Cheliax are married and allied the two countries are still under separate governments their kid will probably inherit both thrones. Galt has the world's best army, which is currently restoring order to Cheliax and some of which is campaigning in the River Kingdoms, and is finally stable and prosperous after the tumult of Asmodean rule.

Korvosa is a city state in southern Varisia. It has its own wizards' academy. The archmages saved it from the Asmodeans. Some more discussion!

Druma is a godawful mess currently divided between a greed-fueled immortality cult that was working for the Asmodeans, and a Galtan puppet state. Discussion of the immortality cult! Discussion of the army, or lack thereof!


She knew most of that but not that Molthune was ruled by an evil seventh-circle wizard suspected to be plotting lichdom. It really sounds like the most promising candidate for them to be welcomed as liberators and also it's probably the one that the hot guy cares about the most. "Right, so, some of these are complicated diplomatic situations, but Molthune's just a Chelish province that currently has an evil ruler, yes? We should depose him and appoint a regular archduke."


"Some of the current Archduchies are, unfortunately, also glowering. Principally at the crown, on suspicion of tyranny. I advise against wars of conquest, unless you're prepared to fight a regional civil war in Ravounel against a genuine popular uprising with some raised veterans of the Civil War at its head."


He appreciates Eulalia feeding him useful support and will spare her a smile.

"I appreciate this advice, Archduchess. I don't understand Ravounel very well, and I'd live to speak with you later about how else we can prevent large-scale treasonous rebellion from breaking out across your archduchy; this is indeed an important concern."


"They have a pretext under which it would be legal. The details aren't important, though; we should indeed talk privately."


"With all due respect, Archduchess, the people of Ravounel will need to accept the same truth as the Andorens: The Thrunes are gone. Absolutely no good will come of further rebellion. Treason against the forces of Hell is good and just; treason against our new heaven-sent queen is just that: treason."


Oh good, an attack dog. He really appreciates Alfons-Valenti and should get him something nice.

"Now, Count, that may perhaps be a little too strong. While everything you say may be true, Ravounel's rebellious nature was a great asset for the people of Cheliax and for all the world until recently; we can, alas, hardly expect them to drop an attitude that has aided us so much the moment it is now inconvenient without even any attempts at persuasion."

Or, in other words, we ought to bribe them instead of threatening them to get them to stop doing this because they were our friends yesterday.


"Of course persuasion must come first, so long as we are unambiguous about what must happen if diplomacy fails."


"Did I understand you correctly, Conde, in saying you believe Andoran ought to be under Her Majesty? That would be a rather extreme proposal."


"The dominion of Aspex stretched all the way to the Sellen, yes. They were right to rebel against Hell but the time has come for them to return."


"Count! I wholly agree with you. The Empire of Aspex must be reconciled to itself, and it is my dearest hope to return Andoran to the empire. Archduchess! I agree with you. A war of aggression against Andoran would risk disaster, especially among those who have been the most fervent enemies of Asmodeus." Because they have an archmage, and we don't. Some archmages have us. There's a difference. "Threats of war will only serve to inflame the Andorani people against us, who should be our closest kin." Or, in other words, you're not going to get a proposal to conquer them through this committee but you will get a declaration that we ought to rule them. Subtext clear to everyone?


"Indeed," says Archduke Xavier, who is letting Joan take the lead on this one because he's more diplomatic.

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