The GLORIOUS convention to set new laws upon our BLESSED LAND has begun. We have received A TRUE ACCOUNT of the Opening Proceedings of the CONSTITUTIONAL ASSEMBLY. This account says that in their WISDOM the delegates split apart into groups known as COMMITTEE. However, the good people of CHELIAX have cause for CONCERN. We publish this pamphlet in WARNING. The ENEMIES OF HUMANITY have INFILTRATED a committee.

The true account pamphlet lists strix and orcs and bugbears among the delegates in the committee. While some of them are Chelish men transformed by archmage, as the other pahmplet says, a source from inside the convention reports the presence of the truly inhuman. Monsters have slipped in, tricking the delegates into assuming they are transformed men. Our source has reported that the committee for the rights of nonhumans has been thoroughly infiltrated and now calls for laws allowing monstrous terror.

Keep in mind, the LAWS OF CONSTITUTION will bind the QUEEN HERSELF. Unless the MONSTERS are stopped then the queen will be POWERLESS against their HORRIBLE LAWS. The INHUMAN MONSTERS infiltrating the convention are the following: the CANNIBAL STRIX the ORC MARAUDER the SKELETAL BADGER the ENTHRALLING DRYAD the BLOODY VAMPIRE. 

The Commons does not recommend violent action, even against monstrous foes. The Royal Decree is unclear about whether monsters are counted as citizen; or what citizens are expected to do faced with wandering monsters. The only action The Commons recommends is informing delegates to create a new committee.

The convention has a COMMITTEE FOR NONHUMAN RIGHTS. We call on the HONORED DELEGATES to create the missing opposite: a COMMITTEE AGAINST INHUMAN WRONGS. This committee of HONORABLE HUMANS must INVESTIGATE THE CRIMES OF MONSTERS. Not only must they root out the MONSTERS IN OUR MIDST but they must also REDRESS the BRUTAL RAIDS against our PEACEFUL VILLAGES and HONEST MERCHANTS.