Tragically, she seems to not be the only person with this idea. It's a stretch and then some to say the Magic Box is ever crowded, but anyone in Sunnydale who wants to try out some random fortune telling trick or learn crystal healing seems to be lolling around inside the store. And the one poor panicked employee who actually showed up today is completely overwhelmed. Alli growls, makes a note of their extended hours, and resolves to come back later.
A few hours later, she's back and digging through potions ingredients. It's a little after sunset but she's resolved not to stress about it too much; Bella scratched crosses all over this place eons ago, she's got the Swans on speed dial and there's a holy water gun in her purse. (Admittedly it's in a plastic bag, because one water leak all over her purse was quite enough thank you, but it's there!)
And really, you can't beat discounts like this. Why pay more for potion supplies than you have to? Witching is, as Alli is discovering, not the cheapest hobby she could have taken up.
A very short boy steps up to a stand of books next to the potion ingredients aisle and starts investigating them methodically. He picks up one book, reads the title, reads the back, perhaps opens it and scans a few pages, and then puts it down and picks up the next one.
Alli does not immediately notice him, because he is not a potion ingredient, but once she does she keeps something of an eye on him. She likes to have witch buddies to chat with, and for the moment, she only has Soph; if he shows signs of being more legitimate than the average Crystal Healer, she might go introduce herself.
When he is finished, he turns to Alli and asks, "What are you here for?"
His accent is a little weird-sounding. Not exactly foreign; maybe some flavour of British.
Alli looks around briefly in confusion before she determines that yes, he's talking to her. Then she waves at the haphazardly scattered boxes on the shelves. "Herbs. Also, some herbs. And for good measure- more herbs!" Mention of potions can wait for now. She eyes the shelf he was- reading? "And you're looking for... life, the universe, and everything? I know most of their books are shit, but that was a lot of books."
"Trying to get a sense of what fraction of them are shit," he says. "It's tough going. I don't suppose you can help?"
"Maybe?" Alli says dubiously. "I'm best with the potions ones. Were you looking for something in particular?"
"No. The opposite. I want to know what magic does, in general. I'm new to the idea that it works, and I want to get caught up as quickly as possible."
"Well, that might take a lifetime or six. I have a couple starter books that were slightly less shit, but I don't see them here. They might be out." She looks at him curiously. "Is it urgent?" If something's happening, she should maybe tell Bella.
"Personally, not globally. I urgently want to know exactly how this universe is different from the one I thought I was living in last month, but nobody else has any particular reason to care. Can I borrow your starter books?"
"I was speaking figuratively. Finding out magic actually exists is like finding out that you live in a different universe than you thought." He pauses, then adds with a grin, "Of course, there's a reason that particular comparison sprang to mind... I'll tell you all about it, but not in the middle of this magic shop."
She considers him. She doesn't recognize him, so he's probably not in school with her, so no dice on hanging over books there. And she likes her books. She'd be sad if they never came back. "I could meet you somewhere with the books tomorrow if you want? And we can have story time?" She suggests. "But fair warning, I will definitely curse you if you don't bring them back."
"Tell me about it. Where do we meet, though? Everything around here seems to close ridiculously early, and I don't get up before five in the afternoon unless the house is on fire."
"...that can get unhealthy," Alli observes carefully. "There's always the Bronze, but it's hardly quiet. I think the Doublemeat Palace is open late, though. That work?"
"Sure. Tomorrow, Doublemeat Palace, seven o'clock? You bring books, I bring wild tales of adventure?"
The next night Alli is ensconced at a table at the Palace, in what might very generously be called a booth. She is alternating between eating a stack of French fries and reading a potions book. A couple noticeably less advanced books are sitting next to her.
"Hey," Alli says around her food. "Want a fry?" She nudges the container of fries vaguely in his direction.
"Your loss," Alli says cheerfully, stealing another one. "So, here ya go." She drags the books forward. Intro to Witchery 1-3. "Most imaginative titles ever, I know. But I haven't blown myself up yet, so."
"Thanks," he says, picking one up. "Still want to hear my fascinating and unlikely story? I don't know how unlikely it is, come to think, it just struck me as the sort of thing that doesn't happen often."
"Meh, I'm not exactly a world expert. But my impression is there is a lot of weird shit, and it's all hiding. Which is frustrating and an impressive pain in the ass. Seriously, I spent a lot of this year going oh shit that exists and I'm already a practicing witch."
"Well, here's another one for you, then. A month ago, I was living on another planet, in the thirtieth century."
Alli blinks at him. For quite a few seconds. Then she pinches herself. "...Okay, so I'm awake. Oh good."
"Then I was minding my own business one day and all of a sudden I was in a big dark room surrounded by people waving candles and chanting ominously, and the first intelligible words I heard were 'prepare to die for the glory of our god'. Not a comforting welcome, all in all."