... Huh. That's an odd weapon for an acolyte to have. That's not standard issue. She wonders, vaguely, where and how she got it. Clearly she wouldn't have it if she didn't know how to use it, and if she didn't know how to use it well, she'd probably be dead by now. Because this fucking academy.
She supposes it doesn't matter very much. It's not like she's here looking for an apprentice, and she doubts the girl would appreciate being called over by a Sith Lord for idle curiosity. Callida returns her attention to cataloging the books present. Or - well, she attempts to. The niggling desire to get someone else out of this fucking place - is definitely present. Nobody should be here. If she could, she'd get them all out right now and blast the place from orbit. Unfortunately, she's not allowed to do that. She doesn't feel she's particularly ready to take on an apprentice herself, but - well, she could potentially recommend a candidate to Occlus. If they were a good one.
"... Acolyte," she says, after a pause. "If I may - where did you earn that?"
(Best to get the reason for the addressal out in front, so the girl doesn't have to wonder why a Sith Lord's talking to her at all. She's not interested in terrorizing anyone.)