They're under a ruined overpass when he spots it, next to a quietly burbling stream.
"Hey, 2B, look at that."
Dammit this is making her really want to scry Kashjar. Also it would be handy if she could figure out how to say 'Kashjar' in this language but that also doesn't seem to be happening.
"We don't have those. All our -" apparently Beasts isn't quite coming through "- monsters are animals."
Meanwhile Aye seems to have started shaping some illusion. The river system, she can tell as it gets clearer. The Sovereign Crossing has little representations of the four of them. Tscher has little marble towers. Aye points at it.
"Where were you from?"
"Another world is starting to seem the likeliest explanation. We've been here about twenty minutes, and I don't think there are more androids here. How are you doing that map?"
She can't remember if all the Settlers showed up at the same time or not. And she doesn't know about the ones in Tscher or Kashjar. (Aye can't remember about the ones in Tscher either).
Well, if they just got here they wouldn't know about mages yet.
...I don't know how to talk to new Settlers.
"Um, welcome. We are... pleased to meet you. Our ancestors also arrived from another world to this one." More breath. She looks at Aye. Remembers ranks of cages, remembers a whip, remembers heated metal, remembers stories of a house on fire and of murder and -.
"My friend Aye," she has a name... "is a mage. Some people born in this world get born mages. If you have children - some of them will be born mages. They can do things. There's - ways to stop them if they decide to do something horrible. But they - they're still people, they're still your children. She's doing an illusion right now. And helping me speak your language, I don't actually know it."
She confirms with Aye that 'humans' is translating through right. Alright, that implies their world has humans, presumably in addition to metal people. She's not sure why that was relevant to what she just said specifically. Unless they thought it was just important to say as soon as possible. Maybe they have their own... situation. She should have thought of that earlier.
That would also make sense. She thinks.
"I'm a human. My friend is a mage. We're both people. We'd - like to welcome all people who can live in peace." Some worry about being misleading... "Not everyone would. I'm sorry. But we -" she gestures to Aye, "would." Is this even the... best idea? Best order? She doesn't know she isn't good enough at this...
"What do you call yourselves?"
Apparently that's not their country or similar concept then.
"Is that about you being metal people?"
Don't worry, if they've got a general policy of 'fight things humans tell us to' I'm not letting them run around here.
Right. They did say 'murderous' not that that's necessarily -
Not - necessarily going to believe everything they say but could be - good to get their story?