"It's pretty hard to tell. Aeducan's parents weren't especially famous, and I wouldn't even know where else to start looking."
"Are we saying my grandfather and your grandfather are probably the same, then?" asks Miles of Mial. "I mean, it seems likely, given what we know. Hey, Bar - how about a holo of General Piotr? As young as possible, I guess, if dragons top out at twentyish."
"I don't even think I've seen a holo of him that young before," says Miles, "but the expression's sure familiar."
Miles laughs. "Yeah. On the General it saw a lot of use as the 'I was a war hero before you were born, sit down and shut up' look. Similar use case, different context, maybe."
"Ours is a war hero," says Miles. "It wouldn't be much of a stretch to call him the war hero, of his generation at least. And there was plenty of war-heroing to go around in those days."
"I'm in the Imperial Service," says Ivan. "Sort of the done thing for Vor. Do you even have a job?"
"Not like a career. I pick up tour guide work interpreting for foreign tourists who think they're going to teach themselves more than three words of Vansalese and don't get translation spells, sometimes. One time a girl talked me into spending six weeks as a fairground ride only to discover that it was not technically legal for her to pay employees in sexual favors, so I guess that was a job. I help out Mother now and again, I'm pretty good at that but don't want to work for her, might go into some unrelated kind of event planning." At Ivan's headtilt: "She sets up these charity events? Where rich people who don't want to just sign writs of transfer all congregate to give each other excuses to sign writs and show off for each other about how big the writs are. Sometimes she does other things but it's mostly that."
"I do the odd bit of translation and solve problems everyone else has given up on," says Avar. "My official job title is National Applied Policy Authority. Translation isn't usually attached, it's just a matter of 'does anyone in the office speak this language? well, the dragon had better'."
"I'm an exile," snorts Stalas.
"I'm a scoot racer," says Mial.
"I've already collected textbooks on one apparently portable form of magic. Anything I can import from you?"
"Elcenian wizardry doesn't work outside of Elcenia. But I'm interested in your apparently portable magic," she says.
"It involves a lot of complicated drawing and I have no substantial evidence that it can do anything you can't, except be relocated to other universes, but Bar will supply textbooks on it. What about non-wizardry magic?"
"I don't mind buying them for you if that would be meaningfully useful," says Linya.
"I take it people who can be reasonably summarized as engineers make a lot of money?" says Aurin.
"Well," says Linya, "that depends on a variety of things."
"Linyabel invented the holo-pen, hardware and software, and they sell like ice cream in summertime on Zoave Twilight. She has a pet neuroscientist."