This isn't the back.
But that -
No, he's too tall to be Mial, if this is a Mial prank it's a stupidly elaborate one.
"Okay, I give up," she says, "what the hell?"
"Magic interdimensional bar," he says succinctly.
"I wonder who this one's an alt of, if anyone," he says. "Hello."
"'Mial'," muses the third Mial-like person. "And where is Mial? Fetchable without letting the door shut behind you? You lose access to this place when it does that."
"Mial, Miles - yeah, I see what you mean," says Stalas. "Not much to go on, though. Well, even if he is an elaborate coincidence, he might as well join the fun."
"Well, in my personal timeline - shared up to at least that point by a close alt of mine who's been and gone - up until age five I lived my life in a spinal brace that pretty much completely prevented me from going anywhere under my own power," says Miles. "And the five-year-old Miles who was just here was really ticked off at me for being twenty years older and no longer thusly confined."
"Behold how my hair is super red? For guys it's eye color and he's a silver. You probably just all have gray eyes, slightly different if you know what to look for - I don't hang out with shrens and dragons often enough to be sure I could tell a silver apart from a platinum or a spelter but a silver from a human is easy. Come to think of it, he," she points at Ivan, "looks like Mial's cousin but the eye color is usually the first thing I pay attention to on him and brown is way more different from gold than gray from silver."
A short pause, and then Mial whisper-spells Finnah: "Where the hell are you, besides 'not Elcenia'? And why did this spell work anyway?"
He teleports to her work.
He comes and sees.
"What," says Mial, stopping in the doorway.
"Oh my god you're shorter than me," snorts Miles.
"I'm Miles, this is my brother Mark, that's my alt Stalas, and that is my cousin Ivan," says Miles.
"Human?" says Mial.
"Well, Stalas is a dwarf."
"Stalas is rather absurdly tall for a dwarf. And skinny." (Stalas rolls his eyes.) "And the ears are wrong. Different kind of dwarf, I guess. Should I be fetching Aurin? What should I be telling Aurin? I think I've given him enough unpleasant surprises for a year today already."
"Um," says Mial. "Coughed all over the girl he was kissing at the time, called me an inconsiderate ass, asked after my reasoning, sat down to a board game with me. We're fine."
"You don't have to get Aurin but you might as well," says Ivan. "He would get you. I know because I found this place first. Do I want to know what your coughing-fit-inducing news was? You're about the right age to get yourself a small army..."