"Grandfather's okay in most ways," says Aurin. "Just - not about that."
"Mine tried to kill me," offers Miles. "Before I was born, and then afterward. We... got mostly straightened out all right, though, around when I learned to walk. Bonded over his horses."
"Neither my world in general nor my grandfather in particular has horses," says Mial. "But I doubt it would've made much difference if they did."
"Also, wait, Mial and Aurin's grandfather? That's... that's different from our genealogical arrangement," says Miles. "I wonder who corresponds? Stalas and I don't seem to share any ancestors we can confirm, but he never met his mother so she's a question mark."
"Sounds like my nuclear family just sort of - snipped off and stashed under Piotr," says Ivan. "My dad died almost right when I was born."
"Mine had time to name me," says Aurin, "so there's that, Mial and I are both members of the Only People With Our Line Names Club, since Grandfather and Uncle Avar had a disagreement about whether Avar's line name belonged on Mial and Mial hadn't been named yet at the time."
"Well, as long as you can do it while someone else from your world holds the door, I don't see why not," says Miles. "And then we could probably confirm who if anyone they're alts of. What are their names?"
"Avar and Koridaar."
"...That sounds reasonably like Aral and Cordelia..."
"Two hundred thirty-three," says Mial. "Late seventies equivalent. Healthy, though."
"That's going to be weird," murmurs Miles.
A thought occurs to him, and he pens a note to Linya: That third dose of Lalita's blood just sprang to mind. Do we know its effects on old age? Can we think of a safe way to test?
Bar can probably confirm safety. Its effect on old age on recipients is non-obvious and would have come up if there were a known reaction, but he's very well-preserved.
"So, should I go get my parents?" asks Mial.
"Why not," says Miles.
"I don't actually know what my mother looked like," says Stalas, "but..." He's gazing thoughtfully at Avar.
"What?" says Miles.
"Nothing, maybe. I'm thinking."
"Probably? I mean, maybe yours doesn't have bright gold hair."
"Nnnope. Brown. Still."
"I got several more words than that," says Koridaar. "But I'm given to understand it amounted to the same thing."
"Well, these two are Miles and Stalas, alts of Mial," point point, "and that's Miles's brother Mark, and that's their cousin Ivan, and I'm Miles's wife, Linyabel. You've missed another couple of sets with different mixing and matching who've already gone home, but I'm planning to loiter here for days and everyone else who's intending on going back through our door is waiting on me rather than skip the intervening waiting through the magic of time dilation."
"Well, it's just... I mean, it's a no-brainer that your father would look like you. Therefore, by extension, also like me. And it's not that weird that he'd end up looking like the rest of my family in the process. But - a couple of things you've said - and the statues are very stylized, but - and which members of my family he looks most like—"
"Spit it out, Stalas."
"I think the Thedas version of, well, you," he says with a gesture to Avar, "was Aeducan. As in the Paragon Aeducan, founder of my House. I mean, it's hard to tell, because we obviously can't drag Aeducan in here to compare, he's been dead for centuries."
This is the best I can do.
Here is an unusually realistic relief carving.
"I mean, accounting for style... yeah," he says.
Miles looks too. "Yeah," he agrees.
"So that's a little weird," says Stalas. "I wonder why I'm the odd one out."
"My parental situation doesn't match either of the alts of me I've met and they don't match each other either. This could be sample size or differences in our various altly regularities, I suppose, we haven't seen more than four of anyone."