"What about them? Their names were Anastasia and Claude Koskin. They were assassinated when I - original me - was sixteen. Big fire, house burned down, all of us died. Mom's the one Ghys had the unholy stalker crush on. They used to date before Mom met Dad."
"Dead admiral. Bad reputation. Cordelia Naismith was briefly a war hero for killing him when he captured her during the invasion of Escobar, but I'm not sure whether she actually did it; there was a lot of shit going on around then. Still, the name's close and the tone fits."
"Us either," agrees Aurin, handing Solvei off to Ivan for further hugs.
"Have you got - did you have, I suppose - a Reko?" wonders Jann.
"Milo's boyfriend, or under the name Gregor, our emperor who Miles never even considered acquiring as a boyfriend because that's kind of insane and there's Linyabel."
"Original me didn't date, and I'm fake dating Bella but we already know who Bella corresponds to... I can't remember offhand if there's been a Grand Duke of Thule named Gregor, but it's sounding like we'd be looking for a girl anyway, right?"
"I'm gay, she's bisexual but pretends to be gay to cut down on annoying boys, and then I got hit by a car and she claimed to be my girlfriend to cut school to visit me in the hospital. And she convinced Ghyslaine to fix me, which is why I don't look very hit by a car. The ruse continues to be useful versus annoying boys."
"What an interesting variety we come in. I'm bisexual and the other Isabella is straight. No information on the toddler, of course."
"And Solvei doesn't seem to break pattern for Mileses," says Miles. "But in our case it looks like there are straightforward causal factors governing the outcome."
"We seem to be originally bisexual, but find our attractions suppressed to approximately the degree that they are frowned on in our culture of origin," says Miles.
"I don't know what Thule's like, but worldwide and in the country we live in there is some frowning. Although when I showed up and told the school gossip her reaction was 'wow, two entire lesbians', so there's obviously some enclaves of liberal tolerance."
"...And now I think I'm done analyzing why my bisexuality gets to shine unencumbered by social censure," says Solvei. "New topic."