"And anyway, if I get somebody throw it in the sun I can't be that sure that she's dead and nothing weird happened to make her instead not be dead."
"I assume that does what it sounds like it does and doesn't conjure waffles, but how do you propose to apply it?"
"Well, to verify the deadness of this Ghyslaine person to," a vague wave at the nameless not-Solvei, "her satisfaction."
"Ghyslaine is a rock. We do not know what a dead rock looks like. And the door won't let us ask the furball."
"Right, but we can at least rule out the possibility that incinerating or disintegrating the rock somehow caused it to reappear intact next to its body," says Mial. "Which seemed to be the sort of thing she was worrying about. Because if no such thing happens, the rock will remain in a separate universe from the body and consequently unable to operate it, is I think the going theory? For that matter a transworld scry can also verify that that part worked out as predicted."
"Yeah, as far as that goes it should work. Furball was pretty explicit about the range limit."
"He's right, though, I'll believe it a lot more easily if I can actually watch her body being inoperable from another universe."
"Well, because she's also been dead for two centuries, you see, and Solvei's upset about it."
"I mean, perhaps it won't help, as we're all boys and you said she, but we do still have arms."