"'Siad' and 'siaddaki' and 'shren' and 'shrennaki', so I can see what Draconic really thinks of them," he says. "Ooh. Candy. Thank you."
He goes from intrigued to mildly nervous to unhappy to downright alarmed over the course of those four words.
"That's terrible," he says. "That's completely—um. Here. I'll just." He does nothing obvious, but then he says: "'Shrennaki', try that," and it is definitely a word in definitely a language that bears a strong resemblance to Draconic but expresses no intrinsic opinions about shrens.
"That's terrible," he says. "That's completely—um. Here. I'll just." He does nothing obvious, but then he says: "'Shrennaki', try that," and it is definitely a word in definitely a language that bears a strong resemblance to Draconic but expresses no intrinsic opinions about shrens.
"I made a magical language with a lot of properties in common with Draconic, including its whole vocabulary to start with, excluding Draconic's terrible opinions, and made myself its first attached speaker, and 'shrennaki' just sort of happened automatically. If you would like to be attached to it too, you can do that, it is compatible with your magic."
"The crisis is very thoroughly over," says Mark, in case anyone was still in doubt about that.
"No kidding. Wow." He wipes his face. On Mark's sleeve. "Um. Sorry for having a complete breakdown, everybody."
Finnah pats him.
"Am I allowed to talk yet?" asks Ivan plaintively.
"Yes, fine, whatever," says Aurin.
"Am I allowed to talk yet?" asks Ivan plaintively.
"Yes, fine, whatever," says Aurin.
Mial sighs and hugs Finnah again, and then hugs Mark, and then hugs his mom.
"Well, that was exhausting."
"Well, that was exhausting."
"It looked it. It's fixed to everyone's satisfaction?"
"Yep," says Finnah. "Back to work I go." She ruffles Mial's hair so some of it stands up and traipses out.
"Yep," says Finnah. "Back to work I go." She ruffles Mial's hair so some of it stands up and traipses out.
—and the approximately Miles-sized but not especially Miles-shaped girl who just walked in the door.
"...okay," she says, looking around warily. "I'm confused. Confused is what I am."
"...okay," she says, looking around warily. "I'm confused. Confused is what I am."
"Bar?" asks Linya. "Who is this?"
This is an alt of Mark.
"An entire alt of Mark?"
"Congratulations, Mark."