"Thank you all for your contributions," says Mark. "We may yet postpone his suicide indefinitely."
"I'm not sure if I should be apologizing for setting Ivan up -" Aurin ignores Ivan's vigorous disgruntled nod - "or trying to figure out how to apologize on behalf of my species or what, but I'm sorry."
"It's not really either of your faults as such. The situation was fundamentally unstable to begin with and can be entirely blamed on Draconic being stupid and evil. But thank you," says Mark.
"You're doing such a good job of speaking for me, I don't see why I should bother," Mial mumbles. "Ugh. Ugh ugh."
"I could stick my head out the door and get Finnah," says Aurin. "Your parents too maybe."
"Parents almost certainly a good option. I don't know enough about Finnah to guess her effect."
Finnah's there. "All done?"
"Nnnnot exactly. I taught my alt three words of Draconic and he mixed, uh, a suffix with something else, and now Mial is having a breakdown, come back."
"A suffix with something else."
"Yeah." Does he have a crystal to Aunt Koridaar or Uncle Avar on him... nope. "Do you have crystals to his parents, too?"
"I have one to Koridaar."
"Give it here." Aurin takes it and strikes it.
Aurin ushers them all three inside and shuts the door.
He gestures helplessly at Mial.
"Holy fucking hell," says Finnah. And she goes and hugs Mial too, as best she can.