"Yeah! He's probably whoever you're thinking of. Is yours his evil twin or something, what's so concerning?"
"He's the emperor of my planet and a close childhood friend and at no point have I ever considered dating him," says Miles.
"...Well, I hope yours isn't just pining forever, but you seem to be doing all right on your end."
"If Gregor is pining after me he's doing it very very quietly," says Miles. "Good God."
"Okay, moving on - Glynn is absurdly good at being a knight, do you have anyone like that around?"
"I don't even have anything like being a knight - Ivan's at least in his planet's military, I don't do anything in particular to meet absurdly good knightlike persons at," says Aurin. "I mean, I could have had a friend exactly like this Glynn person when I was seventy and just not remember it and he'd be dead of old age by now but that seems not to be how this... spree of alts... has been working."
"I mean, they live a long, long time, but they also don't turn into humans," says Jann. "Also, I think you might remember Glynn if you had a Glynn, even if you met him a hundred and thirty years ago. He thinks I'm hilarious? Has beaten Milo at chess?"
"Well, now he's just sounding disturbingly like Mark," says Aurin.
"Yeah, I keep being thrown by the part where you look very much like a human at the moment," says Milo. "And also I haven't really thought about the dragon lifespan problem from the dragon's perspective before, the only dragon friend I have is old enough that he might conceivably not outlive me... I really don't think Glynn is a Mark."
"What is he instead?" Jann asks, quite innocently.
"...He's a shren, and now you're going to make me explain that, aren't you. Mial, you're the one who decided to be a shren, explain it to these people."
"A shren is almost exactly like a dragon except that, one, our wings don't work in our natural forms, and two, the magical language that both shrens and dragons natively speak loves them and despises us," says Mial. "There are some other negative side effects but that's the one I'm especially pissed off about."
"In most languages, connotations depend on usage. In Draconic they just sort of come immutably attached to words," says Mial. "And the connotations attached to 'shren' are nasty. And in general it just - it acts reasonably like a normal language under most circumstances, except with better vocabulary, but when it comes to shrens it's completely crazy. There's no way to refer to dragons and shrens as a category, despite it being pretty blatantly obvious that a category like that would make sense - I had to invent 'dragonish' in other languages, Draconic wouldn't take it. Hates us too much."
"...That's awful," says Milo. "What the fuck kind of wicked fairy came up with that?"
"And this is something you decided to be?" asks Jann.
"I didn't decide to become a shren, I decided to stay a shren," says Mial. "After I grew up as one through no fault of my own, and then some offworlders came through with a miracle cure offering it to everybody."
"Well, no kidding!" says Milo, indignant on behalf of his alt. "You wouldn't catch me ducking a curse like that either!"
"Probably? They might have to have a kid first. That's what we were trying to find the Enchanted Forest for, to ask the princesses how they did it."
"Why is that such a crazy idea? I mean, the story behind it is a little weird, but plenty of more traditional curses end on marriage-related conditions."
"Well, our world has no magic in it natively at all, and the kind Linyabel's currently studying from the world with Secret Firebird Tiny Ivan doesn't seem to be the faerie-curse kind, and - Stalas, any input, your world has magic?"
"I mean, we have fairies, we even have curses, but the two things aren't strongly associated? Fairies are butterfly-people a few inches high, they can be wizards and I suppose they could cast curse-ish spells, but there's no reason fairy curses would be different from pixie curses or human curses or whatever."