This isn't the back.
But that -
No, he's too tall to be Mial, if this is a Mial prank it's a stupidly elaborate one.
"Okay, I give up," she says, "what the hell?"
"...I'm still a little unclear on the exact nature of this horrible disaster," says Miles. "But, um, I don't want to pry if that would be intrusively personal."
"Ghys is Solvei's legal guardian and I doubt that you need all that many details on the ways this is unpleasant."
"Mark has apparently already figured out that there's torture involved," says not-Solvei.
"My creator had a somewhat differently-targeted obsession with Aral Vorkosigan, Miles's father," says Mark. "Hence the fact that I am a trained assassin."
"I'm not usefully a firebreathing dragon," says Aurin. "Mark has a better shot of figuring out how to assassinate a gem than I do firebreathing or no."
"Solvei's sister/substrate is inexplicably charmed by the inexplicatly charming nature of Ivans, yes."
"Hard to get close enough without her noticing and killing you. Not sure how big a rock it would take to actually damage the thing."
"If any of your portable magic can just casually remove the gem from her person that's most of the job done already. She has a range limit on how close she has to be to control her body with it."
"...And I'll bet this range limit does not extend between worlds," says Mial. "I could summon it to Elcenia. Might be a little tricky to set up, though, and I wouldn't have much of an idea what to do with it afterward."
"And if that doesn't work," says Aurin, "you put it on the moon."
"Or have one of you red-groups throw it in the sun, maybe," says Mial. "There are options. I just want to be sure of the plan before I try it, for once in my life."
"...It's also possible that you could leave your universe," says Mark. "If you liked. Stalas is leaving his."
"There isn't a whole lot in my universe I'm fond of, but I do like Bella. If the gem assassination works..."
"Which you might not be able to conclusively verify without leaving the vicinity of the door."