This isn't the back.
But that -
No, he's too tall to be Mial, if this is a Mial prank it's a stupidly elaborate one.
"Okay, I give up," she says, "what the hell?"
"No kidding. Wow." He wipes his face. On Mark's sleeve. "Um. Sorry for having a complete breakdown, everybody."
"Am I allowed to talk yet?" asks Ivan plaintively.
"Yes, fine, whatever," says Aurin.
"Well, that was exhausting."
"Yep," says Finnah. "Back to work I go." She ruffles Mial's hair so some of it stands up and traipses out.
"...okay," she says, looking around warily. "I'm confused. Confused is what I am."
"Bar?" asks Linya. "Who is this?"
This is an alt of Mark.
"An entire alt of Mark?"
"Congratulations, Mark."
"Mark thinks you are currently pretending to be someone else, who you are probably closely related to and likely cloned from."
"...I object to this interpretation of events, first of all, and second of all what the hell?"
"That's Mark," says Ivan, pointing out Mark, "that's Miles, who he was cloned from, and the rest of us are alternate universe versions of or hangers-on to miscellaneous Mileses, which this bar seems to be having a theme day about. If you are a Mark you will probably find me and my alts here inexplicably fascinating, although maybe not while you're doing your whatever-Miles-as-a-girl's-name-is impression."
"...And is that your name as in the name of the person you're... currently being, or as in the name of the person you otherwise are?" asks Miles.
"Currently. Sis doesn't actually have a name as such. We couldn't come up with anything she liked enough to keep."
"Advantages of being a Vor, I guess, a default name comes with the package. Anyway, I'm Ivan, that's Jann, this is Aurin, that's Milo he goes with Jann, that's Mial he goes with Aurin, that's Stalas he hasn't got one, that's Linyabel she's Miles's wife."
"Nothing is wrong. I am fine. More importantly, how did you all get here, why, and from where?"
"Through the door. The establishment is a magical interdimensional bar which is, as Ivan said, having a sort of theme day, although it seems not to be strictly limited to Mileses - we also saw an alt of me who was married to what Bar called a 'half-alt' of you and Mark. Why it is having this theme day is a mystery; the bar herself is sapient but does not control the door per se. Miles, Ivan, Mark, and I are from a world that Miles has named Nexus. Stalas is from Thedas, Mial and Aurin and their friends and family who aren't here right now from Elcenia, and Milo and Jann from a world they haven't come up with a name for."