This isn't the back.
But that -
No, he's too tall to be Mial, if this is a Mial prank it's a stupidly elaborate one.
"Okay, I give up," she says, "what the hell?"
"Holy fucking hell," says Finnah. And she goes and hugs Mial too, as best she can.
"I don't know what to say... I wish you could just have the damn word," he says. "You more than deserve it."
"There are," says Avar, encouraging this line of reasoning since Mial doesn't seem to be up to words of any kind just now. "You've met some, I believe."
"It caught me off-guard," says Mial, slightly muffled by hug. "I wasn't thinking - but look, what if they can't - or what if they can't without changing all of Draconic, which I just got done telling my alt he couldn't do—" Sniffle.
"If they can't do it without changing Draconic for everyone then having to decide whether or not to ask them might actually kill me," Mial whispers.
(With the right push, he could get Mial going. Straight out the door to demand himself a miracle come hell or high water. And then if they couldn't deliver—well. That would end badly. Mark, personally, does not at this point give a flying shit about the sanctity of Draconic, but he cares very much about Mial's emotional stability.)
"Hi. Uh, Mial, he's the one who wanted to stay a shren, he's, not in a very good place right now? He -" Finnah pauses to wonder how in the hell the miracle workers got here anyway. Perhaps it involved magic doors; no one has claimed to have summoned them. But that's not her priority right now. "Ran into a word that he wants to be a word, very, very badly, but Draconic won't take it, but he doesn't want to screw up Draconic for people who want it like it is. Can miracles fix this problem?"
"Miracles can fix most things," says the miracle worker. "Um. I might have to understand more about what you mean by this word..."