This isn't the back.
But that -
No, he's too tall to be Mial, if this is a Mial prank it's a stupidly elaborate one.
"Okay, I give up," she says, "what the hell?"
He is correct about that. The sparse scraggly trees do start looking awfully foresty.
But nothing like any description of the Enchanted Forest.
"Well, this is some forest. This looks like the sort of forest you get turned into a hedgehog for poaching in, remind me not to hunt anything on this trip. I suppose if the idea is not to try to go to the forest we could try going to the Caves of Fire and Night and do my thing first."
"There is that... I don't know, something here feels off. Does something here feel off to you?"
"You mean besides the hedgehog thing?" Pause. "Yeah, actually, this does not look like forestry class in knight school." Jann peers around. "There... are... too many sticks? On the ground? Wow, that sounds incredibly stupid when I say it."
He proceeds a little further.
"I think I see a break in the trees up ahead. Would you rather make for it, or turn around?"
"Mm - well, you can't get much more 'not trying to enter the Enchanted Forest' than 'attempting to depart a clump of trees for not-a-clump-of-trees' - let's go."
Milo proceeds forward.
In a minute or so, the trees do indeed thin out again, and they emerge onto a grassy field that surrounds a very pretty lake. There are mountains visible in the distance. It is almost precisely the wrong direction for them to be the Mountains of Morning. Also, a few minutes ago it was midmorning and now it seems to be late afternoon.
The lake and its surroundings are subtly off in the same way as the forest. There are fewer sticks on the ground out here, but that just means the weirdness is harder to pinpoint.
Also, there are plenty of rocks. Such as the one Milo carelessly steps on that turns under his foot and pitches him sideways into a slight dip in the ground, where he encounters several more rocks.
"Fuck!" he hisses, and then continues in that vein.
"Ah, shit," says Jann, dropping to his knees to assess the damage and render assistance. "...Also: where in fuck are we?"
His right leg is broken twice below the knee, and his right wrist isn't looking too hot either.
"Right, I see a building over there, what say I haul you to it on the off-chance that there's something more recuperation-friendly for you to lounge on than the ground in there?"
Milo always hates it when someone else has to help him set his bones. He could technically get these ones done by himself, but not being able to use his right hand makes it much more complicated and annoying. And Jann knows how, so it won't be like having to rely on a horrified stranger.
Jann is brisk, and as gentle as possible, and not a stranger! Presently all the bones are located where they ought to be. Jann picks up his cousin and makes for the building.
Having to be carried places is also pretty annoying, but again, if somebody has to do it Jann is one of the best possible candidates.
"Welcome to this puzzling interdimensional bar, additional Miles! Those are yous, except that one, and we're hims, and that's a you's wife," says Ivan.
"...What's your charming twist on the Shortness And Medical Problems pattern?" he inquires.
"Cursed by a wicked fairy so my bones break if you look at them funny. But also blessed by a quick-thinking non-wicked fairy, so in a week the ones I just broke will be fine again. Nice to meet you too, Not Me."
"That's Mark. That's Miles. That's Mial. That's Stalas. I'm Ivan, this is Aurin, I go with Miles and he goes with Mial and Stalas hasn't got one, poor Stalas. That's Linyabel, she goes with Miles."
Miles and Mial and Stalas actually stop swearing at each other in order to pay attention to their newly arrived alt.
"Those three Mileses are having an extremely vicious game of something with pegs," says Aurin. "Is the main event. You just missed Mial's immediate family."
"Alas, with them goes the last dose of nigh-magical healing blood, and its donor is long gone, so we can't help you very much with the bones beyond your already impressive fey blessing."