"We seem to be originally bisexual, but find our attractions suppressed to approximately the degree that they are frowned on in our culture of origin," says Miles.
"I don't know what Thule's like, but worldwide and in the country we live in there is some frowning. Although when I showed up and told the school gossip her reaction was 'wow, two entire lesbians', so there's obviously some enclaves of liberal tolerance."
"...And now I think I'm done analyzing why my bisexuality gets to shine unencumbered by social censure," says Solvei. "New topic."
"Different kind of dragon from me," clarifies Aurin, "that is not a thing on Elcenia."
"My bones are currently fine, seeing as they actually belong to Sis," says Solvei. "But thanks."
Meanwhile, Bella is explaining furball's offer to her alt. "...and inconveniently, anything I come up with I can't check whether I can power the idea, while I'm here, apparently, so help me figure out what's redundant with stuff you can give me and a really wide range of other useful stuff?"