"Yeah. So here we are in this magic time traveling empty bar, but when I get out I'll let people know that you may exist - well, actually, first, to avoid looking like a moron if this is all some very elaborate misdirection of some kind, I'll see if there's a suspicious fellow by the name you supplied, but if there is I'll let people know. Assuming it doesn't spit me into, I don't know, Time of Isolation Barrayar or something, what with the time traveling."
"And if you're lucky we'll still be on the planet. Probably will, I think they've been based here for a while."
He has relaxed somewhat from his initial aggression, but still looks ready to bite someone or something at a moment's notice. When he unclenches his fists and rolls his shoulders, the collar of his T-shirt slips sideways, revealing part of what looks suspiciously like a shock-stick bruise.
"There is," says Ivan, "no way they will guess that we met in a time-traveling bar, but in any event I assure you Barrayar will be very interested in getting you away from the terrorists."
"Uh, I doubt that - not that it wouldn't be proposed, you understand, but that they'd go through with it. If nothing else Aunt Cordelia would raise a terrific fuss and Uncle Aral'd back her, doubt Miles would like the idea either. So there will be no brain transplant, but if somebody just thought you inconvenient - mmm, I can threaten to tell them all about it in the event you should be tragically lost in action, if you like."
"Yes, but that could have been accomplished with much less overkill than 'time traveling bar'. One assumes."
"A note would've gotten me to look up this Galen fellow and maybe notice if he was - ordering outfits in suspicious sizes. A time traveling bar is only called for if I'm supposed to meet you before calling in the cavalry. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit, though."
"You have a very morbid turn of mind, Mark. Were you n- no, of course you were not hugged enough as a child -"
Ivan picks him up and hugs him.
"I will figure out where you are, okay?" says Ivan. "Hell, I even have a relevant job description. I'll figure it out and come get you."
The bar can time-travel. Going back and accomplishing that necessary task can wait a little bit while more hug is hugged.