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let that sync in
Permalink Mark Unread
Ivan has just recently been assigned to Earth. It's very cultural. He has already explained Vor to groups of natives four separate times. Some of them seem to find it really hilarious to call him Lord Vorpatril. He doesn't mind; some of those people are girls who giggle it and bat their eyelashes. He likes it here just fine.

After he finishes with his day-job duties (separate from attending diplomatic functions to stand around and look handsome) he attempts to let himself out of the room with the comconsole and all its data to sift through, only to find that the hallway has turned into a bar.

He looks over his shoulder. The office is still normal. Which is to say there are no other exits.

Ivan goes into the bar, squinting.
Permalink Mark Unread
At first glance, the place looks totally empty.

Then a small child emerges from under a table. He looks exactly like Miles did at ten years old, right down to the height. Four foot two.

He stalks towards Ivan with a very unMilesish animal tension, crooked back stiff and tiny fists clenched, like a cornered rat ready to start biting at the first sign of trouble. In an aggressively Jacksonian accent, he demands, "You Barrayaran?"
Permalink Mark Unread
"Uh - what."

Ivan intends to be incredulous, not cooperative, but his accent probably answers this for him.
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The tiny not-Miles voices a tiny growl that is decidedly not adorable.

"What's your name?"
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"...Uh? Ivan. Why do you look like a tiny version of m'cousin?"

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Tiny not-Miles glares.

"You can't be Ivan Vorpatril, he's twelve," he scoffs. "Are you a clone too?"
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"Nnnnno. I haven't been twelve for a while but I assure you I'm Ivan Vorpatril. Are you a clone? Did somebody clone Miles? Shouldn't you be taller?"

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"I'm exactly the right size," he says impatiently. "I wouldn't be much good if I couldn't pass. Ser Galen'd want his money back."

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"Are you meant to be his stunt double? What the hell?"

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He rolls his eyes.

"The bio didn't mention you were an idiot. I'm a substitute, dumbshit. They're training me up to replace him. Didn't say why, I guess I'm not supposed to know till I'm older. Probably they want me to kill somebody, I heard them arguing about when they wanna start my close combat training." He sniffs contemptuously. "Better not be soon or I'll kill 'em all. Ser Galen was right about that."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, how about instead you don't substitute for Miles in order to kill people and do something else instead? If you're stuck I can probably tell somebody who'd know how to unstick you where to find you."
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"I don't even know who you are," says the clone. "Can't hurt, I guess." He grins viciously at some private joke. "I'm on Earth. London. They didn't tell me the address, but I know Ser Galen's cover identity is somebody Van der Poole. He wasn't the one who leaked that. He gets me. It's everybody else who keeps underestimating me just cause I'm five."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Van der Poole as cover identity for a Ser Galen. Okay. I'm on Earth, too, so now the problem is why you think I'm supposed to be twelve."

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The clone considers this for a few seconds.

"What year is it? 2984, or-" he gives Ivan an assessing look and guesses, "2997?"
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"The latter, on the nose," says Ivan. "So apparently in addition to replacing embassy hallways and however you got here, this place does time travel."

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"I went to sleep and woke up on my feet in the middle of this room," he says. "I'm not dreaming, though. I know when I'm dreaming. This is real."

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"Yeah, well, sometimes I can tell when I'm dreaming and sometimes I wake up under the impression that m'mother has let me get a dog only to discover that there is no dog in the house," says Ivan, "but I wasn't asleep, so if you are, this is even stranger still."

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"Don't suppose you got any bright ideas about what's going on?"

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"I have - references to holos," says Ivan, "that's about it. Not close references, either. We could look around. Have you got a name?"

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Snort. "Not unless you count 'Miles'."

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"Well, that's just confusing. Don't know aunt Cordelia's father's middle name, though. D'you?"

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He cocks his head. "Mark. Miles Mark Naismith. Why?"

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"'Cause that would make you Mark Pierre Vorkosigan, if I know Aunt Cordelia. For lack of a better solution to the problem, anyway, if you'd been going by Jean-Phillipe all this time I wouldn't say boo."

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"Some kinda naming custom?" he guesses. "I haven't got there yet, they still have me on biographies. Lotta names and dates."

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"Miles would've been Piotr Miles, but Piotr pitched a fit. And then for the second son it's middle name, maternal then paternal. If one chooses to do the thing, anyway, I don't have this."

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"Yeah. You would've been Dmitry something, I think. Only saw it the once, they don't drill me on your dead ancestors like they do on Miles's."

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"Yeah. So here we are in this magic time traveling empty bar, but when I get out I'll let people know that you may exist - well, actually, first, to avoid looking like a moron if this is all some very elaborate misdirection of some kind, I'll see if there's a suspicious fellow by the name you supplied, but if there is I'll let people know. Assuming it doesn't spit me into, I don't know, Time of Isolation Barrayar or something, what with the time traveling."

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The newly named Mark Pierre snorts.

"And if you're lucky we'll still be on the planet. Probably will, I think they've been based here for a while."

He has relaxed somewhat from his initial aggression, but still looks ready to bite someone or something at a moment's notice. When he unclenches his fists and rolls his shoulders, the collar of his T-shirt slips sideways, revealing part of what looks suspiciously like a shock-stick bruise.
Permalink Mark Unread

"What happened to your shoulder?"
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"Huh?" He looks. "Oh. First escape attempt on the new planet. Didn't work." That nasty grin from earlier makes another appearance. "Better get this rescue right on the first try, cause if they figure out where you got your intel, I'm in for it."

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"There is," says Ivan, "no way they will guess that we met in a time-traveling bar, but in any event I assure you Barrayar will be very interested in getting you away from the terrorists."

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He snorts again. "Yeah, to kill me, I bet. Like the other kids in the clone crèche. Get the real Miles in a body with bones that don't snap like twigs. I don't mind, much. Still better than Ser Galen."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, I doubt that - not that it wouldn't be proposed, you understand, but that they'd go through with it. If nothing else Aunt Cordelia would raise a terrific fuss and Uncle Aral'd back her, doubt Miles would like the idea either. So there will be no brain transplant, but if somebody just thought you inconvenient - mmm, I can threaten to tell them all about it in the event you should be tragically lost in action, if you like."

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"Sure," shrugs Mark. "Dunno why they'd care, but I don't mind not dying." He laughs. "Of course, it's been years between my now and yours. Maybe by the time you get there they've broken me already and you'll have to kill me."

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"Well - let's hope not, all right? That would be a waste of a time traveling bar."

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"It'll still save whoever I'm supposed to assassinate," he says. "Aral Vorkosigan, probably. Ser Galen hates him."

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"Yes, but that could have been accomplished with much less overkill than 'time traveling bar'. One assumes."

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"Not if you didn't know I was coming. Now you do."

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"A note would've gotten me to look up this Galen fellow and maybe notice if he was - ordering outfits in suspicious sizes. A time traveling bar is only called for if I'm supposed to meet you before calling in the cavalry. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit, though."

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"Maybe the time traveling bar was all they had. Whoever they are. Maybe it's a big coincidence. Maybe it's a setup and you're supposed to get killed trying to rescue me."

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"You have a very morbid turn of mind, Mark. Were you n- no, of course you were not hugged enough as a child -"

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"No shit," says Mark. "Who the hell's gonna hug me?"

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"Well, I don't know about in your day to day life, but I'm pretty tempted."

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Mark eyes him with mild suspicion.

"You'd be the first."
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"Should I be the first or do you have another occasion in mind?"

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He shrugs.

"I dunno. Not really something I think about. You can if you want, I guess."
Permalink Mark Unread
He's so little. Miles was little too, but that was before Ivan's growth spurt, so it wasn't as huge a difference.

Ivan picks him up and hugs him.
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Mark is tense at first, as though he expects Ivan to suddenly strangle him or throw him at a wall.

But when a few seconds pass and nothing bad happens, he goes from wary tension to clinging and silent tears in an instant.
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Hug, hug. Sway, sway. Poor kid's younger than he looks, even if he talks like he's older.

"I will figure out where you are, okay?" says Ivan. "Hell, I even have a relevant job description. I'll figure it out and come get you."
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Mark responds to this assurance with a tiny sniffle.

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The bar can time-travel. Going back and accomplishing that necessary task can wait a little bit while more hug is hugged.
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Sniff. Cling. Ivan's shoulder is becoming distinctly damp.

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Yes, well, he has more uniforms.

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"I like you," he whispers. Fearfully, as though it is a terrible secret that could get him hurt or killed.
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"Well, that's pretty convenient, isn't it, seeing as we're related? I like you too."

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"Really?" he asks, snifflishly.

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"Sure. You're a huggable morbid little kid and I like you fine."

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"I don't think anybody's liked me before," he says, drying his eyes on a part of Ivan's shoulder that has not been cried on yet. A little of his earlier carefree tone reasserts itself. "But if it means you rescue me, that's good."

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"I'd rescue you anyway, but I'm going to have particularly strong opinions while I do it in this case."

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"Well, don't fuck it up," he says firmly.

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"I'll try. Word as Vorpatril."

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"That's important?"

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"Okay." He pauses, then adds, "I believe you."

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"Good. Because you've got a hell of a wait ahead and that seems like it might be easier to take if you know to expect me to show up with help, eh?"

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"Maybe," he says. "I've never expected help before. I dunno what it's like."

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"Beats the alternative."

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"I can't see how it'd make a good painkiller, though."

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"...well, no, it doesn't do that."

Sway, sway, hug hug.
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"So I dunno how much good it'll do me."

He sighs and leans his head on Ivan's shoulder.
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"Well, maybe it'll be better than nothing."

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He hugs Ivan some more. Ivan is very huggable.
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So's little bitty Mark. Ivan doesn't put him down, but he does sit.

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Little bitty Mark curls up and leans on him. He is leanable as well as huggable. Ivan Vorpatril has many uses.

Permalink Mark Unread
Ivan Vorpatril does have many uses.

"I suppose if this works like time travel in the holos it's also possible that since I have yet to interact with you in my present you could just come to your future with me, but I don't know how to do that, exactly."
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"You came in the door; you could take me out it..."

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"That does seem like the obvious thing to try. This when I just sat down, oh well." Ivan hauls himself up, still holding Mark.

Permalink Mark Unread
Mark giggles.

And vanishes abruptly, although the giggle lingers on for just a moment, like the Cheshire Cat's smile.
Permalink Mark Unread
Oh damnation. Damn and blast and all right Ivan has to do this the long way, does he, well, he promised.

The obvious thing is still to try the door. Ivan tries the door. It leads to his office.

He closes the door and opens it again, in case it's like restarting a misbehaving console. So it is: there is the hallway. Ivan leaves it a little open and starts doing detective work on this Van der Poole fellow.

Since he knows more or less what to look for, it's actually not that hard. In a short time he has a bundle of suspicious evidence accumulated that this guy is up to something and there is someone Miles-shaped involved.

He goes to Captain Galeni. The words "anonymous tip" are invoked. He presents the tidy little bundle. He stands attentively while Galeni looks it over, including the suspicion that the - oh, hell, now that he thinks it, is that name likely to be a coincidence? Not with that look on Galeni's face it's not.

But the upshot of that is:

"I don't believe I had better come along for this one."


"And - presuming you can avoid it - I'd be obliged if you didn't kill David Galen, but... better not compromise the extra Vorkosigan's safety for it, not on my watch."

"Yes sir."

Ivan thinks. He has to think. Miles is not here to think for him and Mark is off somewhere probably accumulating distressing bruises and so what if he's not a small child anymore he's still small and seven years younger than Ivan and his uniform's shoulder hasn't even dried yet.

Ivan collects men and equipment and zeroes in on the hideout of Galen and his operation.

And in he leads the bloody cavalry.
Permalink Mark Unread
The house is not designed to be defensible; the occupants have no warning of the raid. There are four of them. Ivan's team stuns them all successfully. David Galen is the oldest.

It's not immediately obvious where they've put Mark. But a close scan of the premises reveals a Miles-sized individual locked in a closet on the second floor.
Permalink Mark Unread

Ivan tells his men to find the keys, after they've tied up the stunned; he starts trying to finesse the lock in the meanwhile, though he's not really any good at it. "Mark? Can you hear me?"

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Permalink Mark Unread
Well, that's not particularly encouraging.

"It's your cousin Ivan, I'm trying to pick the lock, I've got some people hunting down the keys," he says, in case the answer was 'yes but I don't feel like talking to you through a door'.
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Continuing silence. Maybe the closet is soundproofed.

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That is possible.

Somebody brings Ivan a set of keys. He starts trying the keys.

Eventually one of them is right.
Permalink Mark Unread
The door was indeed soundproofed; as it opens, the sound of Mark muttering to himself becomes audible. His accent is pure Earth London these days.

"...of hearts she made some tarts all on a summer day..."

He trails off as light and sound enter the closet. He is curled up on the bare floor, wearing grey pajamas. He uncurls slightly and turns to look.

"Fuck me," he says, abruptly Jacksonian as hell. "Ivan?"
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"Yes, hello. I'm here to rescue you."

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"Shit." He's staring at Ivan's shoulder. The same one he cried on, a few hours or a dozen years ago. "The same day. The same fucking day. You actually came."

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Conveniently, Key Finder Guy is already gone.

"...I did promise, if you remember. But let's not go into detail about that once we're in front of people, I did take long enough to come up with a nice little heap of probable cause."
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"I barely remembered it, after. Until now. Shit."

He climbs shakily to his feet.

"You commanding this operation? Fuck, what'd you do with Galen?"
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"Stunned, they're all stunned, th'captain wants them alive but didn't come along so I'm in charge for here. Are you okay? You need me to send the men back to the embassy with the prisoners while I take you to a doctor?"

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"I could use a drink of water and something to eat. And I'm going to have a panic attack at some point. Legacy of Galen's idea of discipline. Happens whenever I do something that I know will get him riled. Getting rescued is a big one there, I bet. God only knows what's holding it off." His accent is blurring between London and Jackson's Whole. "No doctors, though."

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"Okay, uh, I'm sure there's food and water somewhere in the house, and since we have warning what d'you want me to do when you have your panic attack?"

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"I don't actually know. Prevent anyone from killing me while I'm helpless, I guess. You were probably going to do that anyway. You gave your word..." He trails off and shakes his head. "Food and water, please."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure." Ivan calls out instructions for the other men to take away the stunned fellows and then heads back towards where he remembers there being a kitchen, peering over his shoulder to see if Mark is following.

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Mark is following. He is staring at Ivan with what might be an uncomfortable intensity.

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"I suppose you said you forgot, which might make this something of a surprise."

Ivan finds glasses and water and hands one filled with the other to Mark, then rummages for food.
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Water. Water helps. Water helps a lot. Enough that he's able to refill the glass himself.

"Yeah. I haven't given it a single thought from the time I woke up until you opened that closet door."
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"Well, at least it came back to you when I opened the door." Ivan finds a loaf of bread and some jam. "D'you like bread and jam or should I warm up one of these frozen things?"

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"I don't care. Bread and jam's fine."

More water.

"I think I might think I'm hallucinating," he muses. "I'm wrong about that, but it's probably why I'm not on the floor screaming yet, so I'll take it for as long as it lasts."
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Bread, meet jam. Bread, jam, meet Mark. "Funny kind of hallucination that comes with a years-old memory when you meet it."

Permalink Mark Unread

He avoids physical contact with Ivan on taking receipt of the bread and jam. Now he has food and water. Things are definitely looking up.
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"But as long as your response to hallucinations is accepting bread and jam instead of making me figure out this weird Earth-model warmer, I'm not too insulted."

Permalink Mark Unread
He snorts. The snort doesn't seem to have changed at all since he was five.

Halfway through his bread and jam, he asks abruptly, "Want to see my Miles impression? It's dead-on."
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"Sure, why not."

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"I was hoping you'd say that," he says with a flash of a grin—

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—that flows seamlessly into a different grin. "Because it occurred to me that Miles Vorkosigan doesn't get panic attacks." He straightens his shirt, jerks his chin up, finishes his bread and jam, and refills his glass. "Damn, the world is a much nicer place all of a sudden. What a depressing little shit that Mark is. So what's the plan from here? Brief me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's very uncanny, but Miles doesn't like me that much. Uh, you and me go back to the embassy, I write one hell of a report, they probably bunk you with me for the time being while they're sorting out the legal issues of having just assailed a houseful of Komarran expats in London."

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"I wish 'em all the best. Are they not going to opt for the time-honoured solution of smuggling everybody back to Barrayar for a secret trial, with optional death during attempted escape on the way? Why does 'th'captain'" (Miles can't mimic Ivan that accurately, either) "want 'em alive?"

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"I'm pretty sure he's related to Galen. Not so much that I had an absolute order not to kill the guy but he seemed to prefer it, and it makes our legal woes much the lesser too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Interesting wrinkle, that." He finishes his latest glass of water. "Okay, I'm good to go."

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"How long can you keep this up?" wonders Ivan, heading for the exit.

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"Indefinitely. I'm going to keep it up until I'm somewhere I feel reasonably safe returning to the personality that's due a crippling panic attack any minute. I seem to have been right about the insulating effects of this one." He snaps his fingers as something occurs to him. "Right, while I'm enjoying unaccustomed freedom of thought—your courier to Sector HQ on Tau Ceti is in Galen's pocket. Has been for years. One of those snowballing blackmail cases. You probably want to tell your captain and get him nailed to the floor the next time he comes through."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do, any other exciting intel?"

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"Nothing so juicy. I can give you my life story, but I have a distant recollection of what your face looked like when you got a couple hints from five-year-old me, so maybe I'd better save it. Assuming you've arrested Galen and his three little minions - you have, right? - you can apply fast-penta at your leisure and get the goods that way."

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"Yep, the men've got them in the other car and are trundling them away." Ivan can drive this car. Into the driver's seat he hops. "You will never have to lay eyes on them again."

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"I live in hope. Which is a novel and interesting experience." He gets into the passenger seat.

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"I was very forgettable, huh?"

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"I was five. Do you remember dreams you had when you were five?"

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"No, but you seemed very confident you weren't dreaming."

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"Must've changed my mind after I woke up."

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"That would be the sort of thing that would convince one of having dreamt, yeah. I hope the hug managed to last you anyway. By the way, I apologize if I accidentally patronize you on account of your having been five earlier this afternoon."

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"Apology accepted in advance," he says, declining to comment on how well the hug did or did not last him.

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"Good, because you were extremely tiny and growly and it was only a few hours ago. Hard to shake the first impression when it's that."

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"In retrospect I'm honestly surprised I didn't try to bite you or something. Five was that kind of year."

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"Well, you didn't, as you can see from the fact that I have no lingering bite marks. You did get the shoulder of this uniform damp but by the time I had a spiel for th'captain ready it had dried enough I didn't think it was worth changing."

Ivan makes a turn to get out of gridlock traffic and accelerates.
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"...Do you drive like this all the time?" he wonders, distracted from whatever else he was going to say.

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"Drive like what?"

This is intended as a detour around the traffic; he's making a lot of turns to stay loosely parallel to the curving main artery.
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"If you don't know what I'm talking about I'm guessing the answer is yes. Clearly Miles does like you or he would've had you assassinated by now. Or maybe he just knows better than to get in a vehicle with you."

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"He usually does avoid it, come to think of it. I don't mean to say he doesn't like me at all, he just doesn't exude Ivan I am so glad you are here the way you appear to. I imagine that will wear off as my heroic rescue fades into the past. D'you need me to slow down lest you have a panic attack or something, I don't know how those work."

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"I'm fine, I told you, Miles doesn't get panic attacks. I will continue to be fine until I stop being Miles."

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"Right then." Zoom, back onto the artery past the breakup of the traffic jam. Zoom zoom.

Presently they are back at the embassy.
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Mark gets out of the groundcar. "That was an adventure."

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"And now I get to pitch the summary and write the novelization. You want to meet th'captain or get settled in my room while I debrief?"

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"Rather the second thing. I don't think I want to face even a relative of Galen's right now."

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"Right then. We'll shuffle on past his door. Probably he's talking to the fellows I brought with me right now anyway."

Ivan leads the way, nodding politely at intervening security, and parks Mark in his room.

"Need anything before I go? Probably be about an hour, give or take."
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"No thanks, I'm fine. I might as well have my panic attack while you're out. If you come back and I'm curled up under a blanket totally dead to the world, feel free to ignore me until I emerge."

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"Okay. You have fun with that. Have you outgrown hugs since earlier this afternoon? Feels rather off to leave you to have a panic attack without."

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"I haven't outgrown them, no."
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"And you are still little enough to pick up, lucky you."

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Somewhere in the middle of cracking up and hugging back, he breaks character. It is pretty impossible to remain Miles while being pleased about Ivan scooping him up and hugging him.

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Yeah, Miles would probably kick him and then run off muttering.

Hug, hug, hug. Ivan is sorry for the delay, Earlier This Afternoon Extra Small Mark.

Ivan's comconsole chimes.

"That'll be th'captain getting impatient. Back in a bit. Make yourself at home."

Down goeth Mark.
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He hugs Ivan one extra hug once he's on his feet.

"Thank you," he says. "Go appease your captain."
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Ivan salutes ironically and lets himself out.

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Mark curls up on the non-Ivan-occupied bed in the room, and acclimatizes to the idea that all this is really happening and he really has been rescued, and somewhere in this process the fear hits.

Expecting it does not make it any better. Worse, if anything.

It's going to last more than an hour.
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Ivan goes to Galeni's office.

"Everything went quite according to plan, sir," he reports. "Unless the men didn't take a detour and the prisoners are currently waking up in the traffic jam on the main drag."

"No, they're in custody. All of them. Where's our extra Vorkosigan?"

"Mark's in my room having a panic attack, sir, bit stressful being rescued of a sudden like that. I don't think he'd care to meet you, he didn't, er, get along with your relative."

"No. No, I suppose he didn't," murmurs Galeni.

"Oh, and Mark says our courier to Tau Ceti is Galen's bought and paid for as of years ago."

"God. That'll be a nightmare and a half... I'll have someone confirm with fast-penta and arrest him when he comes back, assuming he does now we've captured his employer. No complications on the mission?"

"Not particularly, sir. Unless liberating a jam sandwich from their kitchen because Mark was locked up and ravenous counts."

"The ambassador's staff are going to want everything on how - Lord Mark?"

"Going by his mother's probable Betan sensibilities in the absence of Barrayaran precedent, sir, yes, Lord Mark."

"Everything on how he was kept and treated - mistreated - so we have a solid case for intervening immediately instead of leaving it to the natives, but you can extract it if he's more comfortable with you, I suppose, and we'll confirm it all during the fast-penta interviews. Withholding food counts, obviously."

"Of course, sir."

They go over minutiae of the raid as planned versus as executed - the discrepancies are pretty minimal; Ivan was on today - and Ivan asks just where the prisoners are being held in case Mark would not care to walk uninformedly down that corridor, and then he goes back to see how the panic attack is coming along.

It seems to be in progress. Ivan's sort of tempted to pick him up again but perhaps picking up panic-attacking people is like waking up sleepwalkers: vaguely bad in some unremembered fashion.

So he sits at his comconsole and pokes at current events and waits for Mark to calm down.
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The quiet sound of heavily distressed breathing transmutes gradually into the quiet sound of Mark muttering to himself, too softly for the words to be intelligible through the blanket under which he is curled up in a shivery lump.

That too fades after a minute or so, and he pokes his head out from under his blanket and sits up. His eyes are red and his hair is a mess and he looks generally in much worse condition than when Ivan pulled him out of that closet.

"Hello, Ivan. How'd it go?"
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"Pretty smoothly. And yourself? You look like hell but maybe this is a necessary step in the otherwise beneficial rescuing process. D'you need more water or jam or anything?"

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"Yeah, I'm gonna continue looking like hell," he says. The Jacksonian accent seems ascendant for the moment. "Some kind of food would sure be nice."

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"I'll go grab something from the cafeteria. Probably not jam. And then the legal folks want whatever you have on how the fellows we arrested should never have been let within a mile of you and we were extremely justified in breaking into their house and shooting at them on your behalf Your Judgmental Title sir insert legalese, but that can wait till you've had dinner."

Ivan goes off and comes back with cheesy pasta and a spinach puff and a cut of vat steak (pretty hard to get the real stuff on Earth) and some almond cake.
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Mark seems very pleased about the food. Or maybe just about Ivan's existence generally. Or maybe both.

"As far as reasons they shouldn't have been let within a mile of me," he says over dinner, "you saw what they were like when I was five. They didn't get any nicer as I grew up. I made fewer escape attempts, but they also didn't approve when I - oh - snuck out to visit an unauthorized museum. The closet's a recent addition, last few years or so, before that they'd just hurt me until I demonstrated appropriate penitence, but then Ser Galen seemed to realize boredom and loneliness were a more effective deterrent than pain. Since then, the shock-stick mostly comes out when he loses his temper, or when whatever I've done is worth more trouble than hitting me a couple of times but less than locking me in a closet for several hours."
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"And they apparently weren't giving you much in the way of food or water?" asks Ivan, writing this up gravely on his comconsole to send in with the rest of his full report.

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"Usually they kept me adequately nourished," he says. His accent has slid gradually all the way back to London. "It's just this time they had me in the closet for more than a day. I really set Galen off, yesterday or whenever that was; he went all the way past violent outbursts and into cold rage." The Jacksonian accent pops back up all at once when he adds, "Which is fuckin' impressive, let me tell you. Galen can go pretty far on violent outbursts."

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"This is just for my personal curiosity, but you keep switching accents, why's that?"
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"I didn't have a London accent when I was five and fresh from Jackson's Whole; seeing you again dug up the old voice from wherever it was hiding. Now it's just - whatever I'm saying comes out in whichever speech pattern suits it better."

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"Right. Anything else suited for the report?"

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"I could produce all kinds of horrifying little details, but I think I'd rather spare you. You've got enough to be going on with, I'm pretty sure."

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"I'll note to the legal folks that 'horrifying little details' are available if they need the case shored up, how about, but I'm not that eager to make you spit it out, I'll admit."

Typety typety.
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"Wise of you. You wouldn't like 'em."

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"Not my delicate ears I'm worried about there."

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"Eh. It's gotten so I can laugh about it."

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"That was quick."

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"Not since I was rescued," he clarifies. "Just in general. Although actually laughing in the moment tended to summon whole new levels of hell."

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"Sorry. See why I'm worried about your delicate ears?"

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"They will survive."

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He shrugs. "Still, you rescued me, seems a poor turn to make you suffer the knowledge of exactly what you rescued me from."

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"If you'd rather talk directly to the legal folks should they need more detail that can probably be arranged but they're harder to extract sympathy from."

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"Is that what that was."

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"I don't have much experience with the concept. I'm not sure I understand how it works."

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"Well, the way it works is I learn that awful things have befallen you, and then, because I have a soul, this is distressing and I feel rather like hugging you again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. You can hug me again," he says. "If you want."

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So Mark gets another hug.

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He hugs back.

"I don't like distressing you," he says. "But I think I like sympathy. And hugs."
Permalink Mark Unread

"That's the way of things, yep."

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"Oh. Okay."

It's somewhat unexpected to find that this is a normal contradiction. But anyway. Hugs.
Permalink Mark Unread

A few days go by, and then Ivan says, "The fast-penta interviews are all finished up and our guys are talking to some Earth guys, but it's looking like the Earth guys are sufficiently convinced that we shot criminals in the defense of another - bonus points for 'family member' - and so we're safe and your erstwhile captors get whisked away to some Earth prison."
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"Where no doubt Galen eventually escapes and comes after me. That man holds grudges like cherished heirlooms."

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"Well, they had the discourtesy not to do this within the Imperium, so we can't string them up, but I'm pretty sure I can nip him in the head with a nerve disruptor if he goes after you here, here having the legal fiction of being Barrayar."

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"Well, that's reassuring."

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"D'you want me to write Aunt Cordelia and Uncle Aral about you, see if you can just go be completely surrounded by Barrayaran soil all the time and have a bit more space to move around in than you will if you try to stick to embassy grounds? Message'll take a few weeks, but." Shrug. "I'm pretty sure they'll take you."

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"That's... something to think about. I'm not sure I'm up to dealing with Cordelia and Aral just yet. And I haven't gotten tired of the inside of this embassy so far. The entertainment opportunities are adequate."

He has been reading a lot of books.
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"Hey, if you want to read all the time, can't scare me. But if you might want the results of that message any time in the next few weeks I should send it out now."

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"Mm." He shakes his head. "No thank you. Not yet. I'll keep the option in mind, though."

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"Sure, just say when."

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Mark essays a hesitant smile.

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Ivan smiles back and then heads off to occupy himself in the embassy gym.

While Mark is busy reading, being a vaguely depressed lump, and shutting himself up in the lav for extended panic attacks, Ivan mostly goes about his normal life, now with added roommate. Added occasionally huggable roommate - Mark doesn't ask, but he generally seems so pleased about it, and it's a lot easier than hauling a bucket of water to dump on his head, which is the only thing that sometimes helps when Miles is being a lump.

Ivan picks up and starts dating an Earth girl who works for the postal service and arranges to go back to her place rather than try to bring her into the embassy when "my place or yours" comes up as a question. He's quite taken with her, but she's busy enough that Ivan still has time to loiter around with Mark.

Galeni makes no attempt to cause Mark to interact with him. It is in general quite simple for Mark to avoid anyone who isn't Ivan.
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And after several months of this:

the Dendarii Mercenaries show up in Earth orbit, dragging in from God knows where, and Miles requests a discreet way into the embassy so he can meet with the local military attaché without blowing his Naismith cover.
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And when he has found one, Galeni, seeking confirmation about the whole Dendarii business - and not knowing quite how to tell a Vorling that they now have a surplus Vorling in the family via cloning - summons Lieutenant Vorpatril.

"Oh, hi, Miles! You will never guess what I got you for Winterfair."
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"Oh God," Miles mutters to himself.

"What, Ivan."
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"Guess. It'll be hilarious."

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He throws up his hands. "A pony. A model jumpship. The baby brother I've always wanted. I am not in the mood, Ivan."

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"Well, that'll teach me to underestimate your guessing abilities, anyway."

Galeni snorts.
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Miles takes a deep breath. The presence of a superior officer is not sufficiently quelling, especially when the superior officer seems to be in on the joke.

"Ivan. Explain what the fuck you are talking about. Right. Now."
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Ivan sighs.

"When you were six somebody cloned you intending on a substitution plot, I have rescued the clone from his fate, he is in my room, his name is Mark."
Permalink Mark Unread

"That's... that's just great," Miles mutters, rubbing his face with both hands. "God. Is he - how did you find this out, anyway - is he okay? How long has he been here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Little of this, little of that - he's, uh. His mood responds well to hugs."

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"'Little of'—whatever. I can't deal with this right now." He turns back to Galeni. "Captain, I am sincerely sorry to have dropped in on you like this. I can be out of your hair as soon as I deliver my Dendarii their payment."

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"All due assistance," Galeni murmurs. "And how much is that?"

(Ivan smiles at Elli. She gives him a cold smirk back; he takes that as a rebuff.)
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"Eighteen million marks, sir."

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"Lieutenant Vorkosigan, that's well beyond the budget of this embassy," says Galeni. "Let alone this department!"

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"...I have spreadsheets?" he says weakly. "I'm going to have to produce it from somewhere, sir, we've been running the last six months on nerves and prayer. I don't know what I'm going to do if I have to pack up the fleet and limp the rest of the way to Tau Ceti. Besides in all likelihood get nailed by a Cetagandan assassination team on the way."

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"Cet-" Galeni finds it necessary to cough. "If there are assassins after you, Vorkosigan, you may consider yourself confined to the embassy. I will send to Tau Ceti for your eighteen million marks."

"Fortunate we replaced that courier," Ivan chirps. "He was a rat, we found that out courtesy of Mark."
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"...Congratulations to Mark," says Miles. "I'm going to have the rest of this story out of you, Ivan, you realize." He sighs and refocuses on Galeni. "Thank you, sir. Under the circumstances I certainly don't have any good reasons to leave the embassy - just as long as I have some line of communication to my Dendarii, in case they need their admiral for something. What's the turnaround on a fast courier to Tau Ceti - ten days? We can make it ten days."

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"Ten days," Galeni confirms. "You are not on a communications blackout, you are simply not to go wandering off. We can provide you a secured commlink."

"We should be able to manage, sir," says Elli.
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"All right. Thank you. Elli, stick around for the commlink and then go deliver the news to the fleet, all right? And my next order of business is... to get out of this hard-to-explain uniform and go meet my brother, I guess. God." He rubs his face again. "Where do I go around here to get clothes, Ivan? I've run dry of civvies; things keep getting blown up or abandoned in storage."

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"Stores has one of those machines that measures you and makes whatever you like, within extremely conservative tastes, on the spot. I'll show you and then warn Mark you're incoming."

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Miles nods tiredly.

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Ivan shows him to Stores, then nips back to his dorm.

"Miles has turned up on the doorstep," says Ivan. "I hope you weren't still planning to replace him, that would be disappointing and likely ineffective."
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"Where the fuck did he come from?"

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"Didn't ask. He'll be here for a bit and then vanish again, is my understanding, I suppose they'll have to give him his own room since you're in this one."

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"'Vanish again'... yeah, he does have that habit," says Mark. "Excessively so even for an ImpSec courier. And he hasn't been heard from at all in something like six months, and now he is inexplicably and unexpectedly on Earth. What does my big brother do for a living?"

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"Oh, dear," sighs Ivan.

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"Top secret?" he guesses. "I'm going to find out anyway, bet you anything you like."

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"I will bet you one of those raspberry cookies, but I will not tell you."

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"Sure. I may redeem the knowledge of what Miles has been up to for one of Carolyn's delicious raspberry cookies. Well, if I wasn't going to find out before, I sure am now."

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"Whoops, wrong incentives."

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"It's Miles, Ivan. There is no force nor law in this mortal universe capable of preventing me from finding something out about Miles. The effect of the extra incentive is negligible."

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"Well, that's kind of a dramatic way to put it."

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"It's a true way."

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"Sure. Well, he should be along to say hello any minute now."

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"I await with interest."

And nerves. Interest and nerves.
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Someone knocks on the door.
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Ivan opens up. "Miles, Mark. Mark, Miles."

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"...Hi," says Miles. "God, that's uncanny."

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"Nice to meet you too," says Mark. "You look like shit. And that uniform's fresh out of Stores - what happened to the clothes you arrived in? Not so filthy that they had to be stuffed down a waste chute on the spot, or it'd show, you're not freshly washed. I doubt the good captain demanded you appear in uniform so forcefully that you went and had one made up on the spot. No, I'm going to go with 'discarded as incriminating in some way'. And you didn't have a Service uniform with you to change into when you got here. All together, this rather spells 'undercover agent', and one whose clothes would make him if he appeared in them before unauthorized persons. That suggests a military uniform to me. Some mercenary outfit, probably. With your insubordination problems I can't imagine you working for one very long without getting summarily shot, so you probably command them. Well, that was easy. Pay up, Ivan."

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Miles... just kind of stands there with his mouth open.
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Ivan hands Mark one of the raspberry cookies. (He then also waves one at Miles as an attempt at consolation.) "I did not help, I swear."

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Miles takes the cookie. Doesn't eat it, though. He has other things on his mind.

"What," he says, "the hell, Ivan."
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"What, were you expecting him to take after me? And he hasn't had your scope of adventure as an outlet. He does this sort of thing all the time, although that one was particularly impressive."

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"Oh my God. You didn't think to warn me that he was some kind of psychic?"

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"He's not psychic! He laid out his non-psychic reasoning for you right then and there."

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"His reasoning was pretty fucking psychic!" exclaims Miles.

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"Remind me to recommend you some books while you're here, Miles."

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"Probably wants you to read Sherlock Holmes."

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"Is this related to that museum I saw advertised on the way here...?"

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"Yes. Yes it is."

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"Mark is a big fan. Th'title character does the 'psychic' thing."

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"I grew up practicing the skill on, well, you," Mark explains to Miles. "And sort of incidentally on everything else in sight. But like I told Ivan earlier, it's going to be impossible to hide things about you from me. I know you too well."

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"He can mimic you damn well. Absolutely uncanny. I can tell, though, pretty sure I could even do it without context, he likes me more than you do."

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"He has reason, it seems like. And how did you end up rescuing him, exactly?"

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"Okay, now this is the interesting part, and I'm not completely sure you'll believe it."

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"Spit it out, Ivan."

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"It involves time travel and I am really not sure how to start!"

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"...At the beginning?" suggests Miles. "Before the, um, time travel happened?"

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"Right, before that I had a completely ordinary work day, this was a few months ago, I opened the door to the office to leave and there was not a hallway there. Instead: time traveling bar - Mark, help, you are the only other witness."

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"I was five years old at the time," says Mark. "I went to sleep just after arriving on Earth and woke up standing in the middle of an empty bar. Ivan walked in soon after, and I went up and was very rude and belligerent at him, and for reasons that elude me he was very patient and kind in return. When it came out that I was your clone, he promised to rescue me. Then I woke up back where I started and forgot it had ever happened, until he made good on his promise - later that same day, from his perspective, a dozen years from mine."

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"You were five, what was I going to do, yell at you? Anyway, yes, that, that was a better summary than I could've produced, thank you. Nobody else knows this part, I came up with other excuses to give to Galeni and I think he was very distracted by the involvement of his father and didn't nitpick too closely."

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"And you are serious about the time travel and this is not some kind of elaborate joke," says Miles.

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"I am not making an elaborate joke. Someone may have played an elaborate joke on me, but it came with an actual adult Mark who remembered the same events at the other end of it, and I don't know how in the world they'd go about pulling it off."

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"Well, 'adult'. You're what, seventeen, eighteen?"

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"In number of years lived, yes. Other questions may yield other answers."

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"You're cryptic and weird. Ivan, have you told him he's cryptic and weird?"

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"Not in those exact words."

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"'You confuse me.' 'Well that's bizarre.' 'Ooookay then.' 'Say that again more intelligibly?' 'Does time travel at a young age cause that sort of thing?'," recites Mark in flawless imitation.

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"...My brother, the impressionist," snorts Miles.

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"Obviously it's less effective when he's doing me, but yes."

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"Thank God for that. Imagine if he could do it to anybody. Now there's a substitution plot."

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Mark cracks up.

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"He could just sort of wander around, switching identities when no one was looking."

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"Sounds like fun."

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"Somebody get this kid a hobby."

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"Mostly he reads. And cons my raspberry cookies out of me. He isn't technically confined to the embassy but it's more convenient for everybody that way at least for the time being."

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"Hm," says Miles, looking at Mark.

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...Mark grins and bounces excitedly.

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"...What?" says Miles, alarmed at this evidence of possible actual telepathy. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

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"Why are you looking at him like that?"

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"Because he is confined to the embassy for some reason, probably Captain Galeni's understandable overprotective streak, and it's occurred to him to use me to get around that and I think that sounds like tremendous fun."

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"Can you actually read my mind, or what the hell?"

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"I've been studying you literally my entire life. I can't hear what you're thinking, but I can guess it very accurately."

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"This could get very hairy very fast. You know, I was thinking, when I had successfully rescued Mark, 'isn't it nice how simple a mission can be when Miles is not around', and now Miles is around, and things are going to cease to be simple."

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"Oh, come on. Locate and retrieve your sense of fun," says Mark. "My two main skills are killing people and pretending to be Miles, I'm the perfect replacement mercenary commander."

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"I didn't say I was going to do it," Miles protests. "I didn't even think very hard about doing it, it just occurred to me that the option existed. Stop bouncing. I'm not letting you touch my mercenaries under any circumstances until I'm satisfied you'd take good care of them."

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Ivan sighs and eats a raspberry cookie.

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Miles remembers that Ivan gave him a cookie earlier. He eats it.

"These are really good," he says. "...Did you say something about Captain Galeni's father being involved with Mark somehow, earlier?"
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"I'll tell Carolyn you like 'em. He was the orchestrator of the plot. No reason to believe th'captain himself's not squeaky clean, though."

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"If you say so..."

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"He replaced the Tau Ceti courier, he expressed his desire that Galen not die in my little raid as a preference not an order, and Mark has been bunking unharmed a yard away from my head since that time, I don't think they're connected beyond the technical relation."

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"Yeah, it'd take a real paranoid to suspect him," Mark contributes. "Suspect me first, I'm the one who was specifically raised to hate you and your entire family. It didn't work, mind, but you don't have a good way to know that."

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"Just what was in fact the plan?" he asks, morbidly fascinated.

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"Replace and kill you, kill your father, kill Gregor Vorbarra, become Emperor of Barrayar. As told to me. As actually planned, of course the next step was for me to go the way of Mad Yuri, preferably in as violent and lengthy a civil war as possible, while Ser Galen organized a revolt on Komarr. I'm sure he had no idea I'd figured him out. Seemed to think that as long as he didn't tell me outright, I'd never come to it on my own, as though my brain was only capable of generating pre-approved thoughts."

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"The plan also totally failed to factor in the involvement of time-traveling bars."

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"Those are harder to predict, though."

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"Sure blindsided the hell out of me. Especially the way you literally vanished while I was making for the door and there was, like, a lingering echo for a second."

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"An echo of what?"

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"You giggled. You disappeared before the giggle did. I didn't mention that? I guess it didn't come up."

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(Miles is busy blinking away visions of what would have happened to Barrayar if this plot had proceeded as planned. God, what a horror.)

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"Sorry," says Mark, glancing at him. "I didn't want to. As soon as I was on Barrayar I probably would've just - stopped. Spilled it all to your parents and let them decide what to do with me. Well, that or killed myself."

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"Our parents," Miles corrects. "And - thank you, sort of. I like that plan better than the plan that ends in civil war. But I think the best outcome is the one where we're both still alive, eh?"

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"Thank Ivan, then. He's the one who rescued me."

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"You're welcome," Ivan says magnanimously.

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"Yes. Thank you, Ivan, for saving Mark from having to murder me."

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"I exist to save Vorkosigans inconvenience."

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"Oh, is that what you're for."

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"That and hugs. Don't forget hugs. Hugs are important."

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"I suspect you'd find not being hugged on a routine basis kind of inconvenient, correct me if I'm wrong."

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"I don't know if 'inconvenient' is exactly the word..."

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"Eh." Ivan shrugs. "Hugs may be included as an addendum if you like."

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He beams.

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Okay, that's sort of cute.

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—Miles splutters.

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Mark giggles uproariously.

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Hug. And down again.

"Don't you worry, Miles, I can tell you apart even when he's putting you on."
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"Apparently I like him more."

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"Apparently you do!"

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"Suspect he likes hugs more."

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"I suspect the same."

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Ivan snorts.

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"So, what the hell am I going to do in here for the next ten days?"

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"There's not a ton to do. Catch up on your reading? There's a gym?"

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"Oh. Joy."

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"You could talk to me," Mark suggests.

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"...Unlikely to be boring," Miles acknowledges.

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"They'll probably put you next door. Unless they've got a reason to prefer moving Mark."

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"Next door would suit me just fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Less hassle that way. ...You should probably tell th'captain that Mark saw through your cover."

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"To what end? The Dendarii are my problem."

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...Mark seems deeply puzzled by this statement.

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"Well, they're enough your problem that I'm not planning to tell him, but, I don't know, seems - polite."

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"Yeah, well. What's your read on him, am I going to be in trouble for having a psychic brother?"

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"Not more than 'confined to the embassy' amounts of trouble, I wouldn't expect. Possibly also a lecture?"

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"I," says Mark, "am still very stuck on how your secret mercenaries came to be named after the bloody Dendarii Mountains. Isn't that just a touch obvious?"

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"I didn't mean them to be my secret mercenaries when I named them. I didn't actually mean them to exist when I named them. It all just sort of... happened," says Miles.

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"I entered the picture a bit too late to have a clear idea of how a mercenary company just happens, but if anyone were going to do it..."

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"It would be Miles. Of course. I'd wondered where it all went," says Mark. "So what's your cover identity? You do have a cover identity."

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"I'm sure it would take you less than fifteen seconds on a public comconsole to find out, but let me just clutch the tattered shreds of proper security for a little while longer, all right?"

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"Your cover identity is even more embarrassingly named than the mercenaries he commands," Mark concludes. "...Naismith. Miles Naismith. Because it's the Vorkosigan part you would've been trying to hide."

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"Is it too late to have you assassinated?" he mutters petulantly.

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Mark cackles.

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"I have only ever performed one daring rescue, please don't muck it up by assassinating my rescuee."

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"It was such a good daring rescue, too! Well worth preserving."

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"Fine, fine," says Miles. "No assassinating my brother even when he is being an irritating little shit. Got it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I appreciate that, really I do."

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"You're welcome."

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Mark is inappropriately heartwarmed by this exchange.

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Miles moves in next door. Ivan goes about his duties, both deskwork and escort duties at a diplomatic function - Miles will occasionally be called upon to do these too, but until one that calls for his presence comes up, he hangs out with Mark, developing an encouraging - or possibly worrying - level of rapport.
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They spend their first full day together in Mark and Ivan's room, starting out at the comconsole and ending up sitting side by side on Mark's bed with a pair of handheld readers, absorbing and discussing Earth history and the Sherlock Holmes books. Ostensibly Miles is reading the history and Mark the fiction, but the clarity of that division lasts all of half a minute.

When Ivan comes back from his deskwork that afternoon, the brothers simultaneously look up from their readers. "Hi, Ivan," Mark says brightly.
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"Hi, Ivan," says Miles in unintended unison, less brightly.

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"Hello to the both of you too. Aren't you picturesque like that."

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"Do shut up."

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Mark giggles.

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Ivan obligingly shuts up. Although he does hum idly.

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They resume their interrupted conversation about pre-industrial military tactics and the Holmes books' scientific inaccuracies. It's pretty much impossible to follow from the outside; Mark almost never lets Miles finish a sentence, preferring to interrupt with his response as soon as he knows what the rest is going to be.

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Miles has totally adjusted to this style of discourse and is fully absorbed in the topics at hand.

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Ivan finds that vaguely interesting for about five minutes, but eventually wanders off to go out for the evening.

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When he comes back from that, Miles is still there and they have moved on to a different Holmes story and a different history book.
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Ivan, slightly tipsy and very worn out from his night on the town, says, "You bookworm twins are going to have to move to Miles's room unless you want to switch to unadulterated telepathy, 'm going to bed."

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Miles checks the time.

"...I should probably sleep at some point. The books will still be here in the morning. 'Night, Ivan. 'Night, Mark."

And back to his room he goes.
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Ivan crashes for the night. Zzzz.

The next day, after he does his work, he finds his room empty, presumes that the twins-six-years-apart are in Miles's room, and he knocks perfunctorily and lets himself in.
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There they are!

"Look, I don't care what you—hi Ivan," says Miles.
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"One, yes you do, two, scientific consensus has changed in the last thousand years, three, you've seen me do it, you clearly know that it works," says Mark. "Hi, Ivan."

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"Your arguing about books has a time limit," says Ivan, "Miles, th'captain wants you at the little shindig the ambassador's hosting for the new Zoave Twilightan - Twilightian? Zoavian? Whatever the word. The new ambassador from Zoave Twilight."

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"Hey, Mark," says Miles—

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"No," says Mark.

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"Miles wants me to be his substitute because he thinks it's going to be boring. I don't want to be his substitute, because I know it's going to be boring."

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"Oh, these things aren't that bad, you make small talk, the food's always nice."

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"I'm sure they don't bore you."

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"I'm very sociably inclined. Anyway, Miles, dress greens, look sharp, it's in an hour."

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"Come on, Mark, you didn't even give me a chance to make my pitch!"

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"Go tell it to a mirror, convince yourself to go," Mark suggests.

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Ivan bursts out laughing. "I want to see that."

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"For fuck's sake," grumbles Miles.

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"Suck it up," snorts Ivan. "I'm going to go change. But call me in if you decide to argue with a mirror."

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"I bloody well will not."

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"Won't call me or won't argue with a mirror?"

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Ivan chuckles and goes back to his own room to get into his dress uniform.

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Miles changes. Reluctanctly. And appears in the hall, also reluctantly.

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And he and Ivan go and meet various assistants of the Zoavian ambassador (Ivan inquires of his the demonym and she tells him that's what it is) and serve as their escorts at the party. The food's lovely.

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The food is lovely. The loveliness of the food somewhat makes up for every other aspect of the situation.

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There is another of the same a couple days after; this sort of event is scattered on an irregular basis between the clockwork of Ivan's day job and the as-time-allows of Ivan's out-of-the-embassy social life. Miles and Mark continue to develop rapport and are eventually moved to visit the embassy gym in addition to the endless reading-and-partially-telepathic conversations.

The Dendarii go about their business without any disasters that require elaborate Milesian shenanigans to depart the embassy and see to them in person.

Miles's money and his orders from Tau Ceti come in - he and his Dendarii are wanted elsewhere in the galaxy with all speed. Ivan bids him goodbye and proceeds about business as usual, including going with Carolyn to some kind of traditional cultural festival, which is very cultural, involves tasting a few dozen kinds of cheese, and sees him heading home via tubeway from its slightly far-flung location in the late evening.
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On his way to the tubeway station, he meets a surprise stunner bolt.
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Welp. Not a whole lot Ivan can do about that while stunned. He can't even collapse particularly gracefully; look, there he goes, completely without poise. How embarrassing.

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When he wakes up, he is in the back of a parked lift van, tied to a chair, with David Galen glaring at him from close range.

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"Hooooly shit."

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Ser Galen sneers, and jabs him with a hypospray. Almost certainly fast-penta.

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Yep, that would be fast-penta, because there goes Ivan's urge to pass out, the physical complaints associated with being tied to a chair, and his verbal filter. Blink, blink.
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"How did you find out about the clone?"

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"He told me that's what he was," says Ivan.

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He has to take a deep breath and remind himself to be patient. There is no point in losing your temper during a fast-penta interrogation.

"How did you find out that he existed?"
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"I met him in this one bar..."

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"When did you meet him?"

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"Earlier that same day I rescued him. Took me a few hours."

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"Explain how the two of you met."
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"I walked out of my office and there he was. Titchy little thing. Very growly."

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"How did he come to be outside your office?"

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"Fell asleep, he said."

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...Perhaps Vorpatril is just crazy. That would be inconvenient.

"Explain how you accomplished your... 'rescue'," he says, to get a baseline.
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"Had your cover name and location down to as detailed as 'London' from Mark, dug up suspicious things like buying outfits in Miles's size and affiliation with other Komarran expats and -" Ivan goes into quite a bit of detail about how he came up with sufficient evidence to locate and accuse - "brought it all to th'captain, he recused himself because he'd look a bit suspicious if anything'd gone wrong on account of your being his father, I took a few men and we surprised you all and stunned you, Veli found the keys and I unlocked Mark and brought him home while the others fetched all you arrestees back to the embassy in the other car."

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"What exactly did the clone tell you when you first met him?"
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Fast-penta is a memory aid!

"He said, 'You Barrayaran? What's your name? You can't be Ivan Vorpatril, he's twelve.'"
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"What did you say to each other next?"

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"After that he said, 'Are you a clone too?', and I said, 'Nnnnno. I haven't been twelve for a while but I assure you I'm Ivan Vorpatril. Are you a clone? Did somebody clone Miles? Shouldn't you be taller?' and he said, 'I'm exactly the right size. I wouldn't be much good if I couldn't pass. Ser Galen'd want his money back,' and I said, 'Are you meant to be his stunt double? What the hell?'..."

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"...Go on. What next?"

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"And he said, 'The bio didn't mention you were an idiot.' But I'm not, actually, anyone would have been thrown."

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"Thrown by what?"

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"By a tiny growly clone of Miles popping out from under a table unexpectedly. I was very surprised. I have never been that surprised before or since."

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Galen considers for a second or two, and then tries another tack. "Describe the location where you met."

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"It was a bar, nobody else was in it, didn't even have a bartender. Wasn't there anymore when I tried it again, I don't know why. Tables, chairs, bar, back and side doors I didn't look at closely but I think one was a lav, pretty dim, lot of wood in the construction, I didn't see a rack of bottles behind the bar either. Very clean, though, like it'd been given a thorough going-over before we turned up. Chairs were down, not put up for mopping, though."

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"When you tried it again? Tried what again?"

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"Tried opening the door. I didn't really want to go back, though."

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Patience. Patience.

"Which door?"
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"The door out of my office. Or into my office, depending how you look at it, no designated exit."

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"...The door to your office led you into an empty bar where the clone was hiding under a table?" he asks, to clarify.

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"Until he came out from under the table, which was pretty quickly, yeah."

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"What information did he give you about himself?"

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"He told me he was a clone and he was supposed to substitute for Miles and that he might kill somebody when he did close combat training and that he was on Earth in London and that he went to sleep and woke up on his feet in the middle of the bar and that he wasn't dreaming and that he didn't have a name unless you counted 'Miles' and that his maternal grandfather's name is Miles Mark Naismith and that he had to memorize a lot of names and dates and that you weren't giving him much grounding in my dead ancestors compared to Miles's and that his first escape attempt on Earth didn't work and -"

Ivan here pauses for breath.

"- that if I didn't get my rescue right on the first try he'd be in a lot of trouble and that being brain-transplanted would be better than what he got from you and that he didn't mind not dying and that if he got killed it'd save who he was supposed to assassinate and that no one had ever hugged him before and he likes me and that nobody had ever liked him before and that he believed me and that he hadn't expected help before so he didn't know what it was like." More breath. "Poor kid."
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"How old was he at the time?"
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"He said five, he talked like he was older than that, I guess that's par for the course for an accelerated clone of Miles."

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"And later that day, you 'rescued' him? How old was he then?"

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"I don't know when his birthday is - I should ask! Unless he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday, maybe he doesn't - but he's about seven years younger than I am and I'm twenty-five standard."

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"Do you," he asks, not holding out much hope, "have any explanation for this discrepancy?"

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"Magic!" says Ivan, dreamy with fast-penta.

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Fuck it. He doesn't have time for this.

Moving on to the second important item on the agenda:

"After you brought him back to the embassy, what did he do?"
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"Moved into my room."

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"Did he seem grateful?"

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"He had a panic attack, so there was a little room for doubt, but overall I think so, yeah."

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"Who is he loyal to now?"
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"It's complicated? You're terrifying, I'm huggable, Miles is interesting, I don't actually know for sure which way he'd jump if you squeezed him, but I'm positive he wouldn't be upset about it if you happened to die of your own accord and I think he'd have preferred it if I'd got you with a nerve disruptor instead in the first place, gosh, I know I regret missing the opportunity now."

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"He stayed in the embassy voluntarily, then?"

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"Yep. Caught up on his reading."

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"What do you know about 'Admiral Naismith' and his mercenaries?"

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"Admiral Naismith is Miles's cover identity who he came up with by near-accident when he was co-opting a fleet of mercs in self-defense and then he gave the entire shebang to Gregor to get out of being executed for being a Vor with a private army and it's been a covert arm of the Imperial Service ever since and only a handful of people including me know about it but Mark figured it out smart-quick when Miles turned up at the embassy. Miles does his Betan accent when he's being Naismith, imitates Aunt Cordelia more or less. I only met a handful of the mercenaries. I think the one with an obvious crush on him is his bodyguard but I don't know if he likes her back. Forgot to tease him about it and find out. He probably does though."

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"If I threatened you, would Miles come to your rescue?"

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Ser Galen smiles slightly. "Good... that will make things easier. If I can trust anything you just told me. 'Magic'," he snorts. "I think that is all the use I'll be getting out of you for now."

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"Magic time travel," says Ivan. "Maybe it happens whenever you have prisoners and I could do it because you were going to kidnap me later. That'd be sort of funny."

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"Shut up unless you have something useful to tell me," he says absently, gazing through Ivan at whatever fresh plot he's composing.

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Ivan giggles vaguely.

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Galen makes an irritated face, and stuns him again.

The next time he wakes up, he is in the same van tied to the same chair, and this time there is no synergine to mitigate his stunner hangover. In fact, he is being totally ignored, because Galen has another prisoner who is occupying all of his attention.
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Mark is backed up against the opposite wall of the van, looking at the floor, making no noise. Galen is standing over him holding a shock-stick.

"Have I refreshed your memory sufficiently?"

"Yes, sir," says Mark.

"Then you won't be defying me again."

"No, sir."

Galen jabs him in the stomach anyway. Mark barely flinches. Galen does it again. Mark's jaw tightens, and he blinks back tears, but he offers no other complaint.
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Ivan makes a noise that is several kinds of unhappy.

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Galen glances contemptuously at Ivan.

"And now the prisoner's awake. You've wasted enough of my time, Miles."

"I still say the hostage-lure strategy is a poor use of resources," Mark says quietly. "He'll come, but he'll come with an army at his back. I remind you that he has one of those."

"Shortly to be my army, if all goes well," says Galen. "But I could just shoot Vorpatril right here, if you prefer."

Mark flinches very slightly. "I told you, I can negotiate safe passage—"

The shock-stick hits him in the stomach again, this time with enough power that he doubles over coughing.

"And I told you, I want more than that," says Galen. "For the last time, Vorkosigan. Stand up. You've had worse."

It takes Mark a few more seconds to straighten up.
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Ivan blinks through the haze of his headache. "Wha- Mark -"

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"Do we have to carry him, or will he come quietly?" asks Galen.

"I don't know," says Mark.

"Perhaps a little persuasion is in order," says Galen.

Mark shakes his head. "Maybe not - Ivan? You coherent over there?"
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"Sorrrrta," groans Ivan. "Fast-penta plus stunner 's mother of all hangovers."
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"Ser Galen wants to force-march you to an unspecified location to hide you while he calls Miles to demand ransom. He has a shock-stick and a nerve disruptor and he's in a really bad mood. Are you going to do what he says?"

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Ivan squints at Mark.

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Mark makes a well-there-we-have-it gesture.

"Well done," Galen says dryly.

Mark shrugs. "Besides, if you hit him the way you hit me, he might not be able to stand up afterward. I wouldn't give it good odds, in his condition."

"A valid point," Galen acknowledges. "Get him on his feet, but keep his hands tied. No use taking chances."

Mark separates Ivan from the chair in the specified manner.
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Ivan lurches, somewhat, but manages not to fall.

He glares fairly ineffectually at Galen.
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Mark does not glare at Galen. Mark does not look at Galen at all. Mark keeps his head down and herds Ivan out the back of the van. They cross a small grassy area and enter a door marked STAFF ONLY in the side of an enormous dark wall. Then it's down a lift tube and into a long hallway lined with mysterious access hatches and control panels. Mark has to manually haul Ivan in and out of the lift tube, since Ivan still doesn't have his hands free.

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Ivan makes noises whenever his headache is perturbed - which is to say every slightly irregular step, when hauled, and the time he bumps into a doorframe - but otherwise keeps his mouth shut.

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They arrive at the end of the row. Galen points to an access hatch.

"Open it."

"You're not serious," breathes Mark.

"I am perfectly serious," says Ser Galen. "And unless you want to get in there with him, I suggest you open the hatch."
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"What the - where are we -?"

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"Under the Thames Tidal Barrier," says Mark.

"That's enough out of both of you," says Ser Galen. "The hatch, Miles."

He glares at Mark, who flicks one fearful glance up at him and then obeys. Ser Galen draws a nerve disruptor, to emphasize his authority. He points it at Ivan and jerks his head at the lightless hole in the wall.

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Ivan looks at the nerve disruptor and contemplates unpleasantness. He looks at Mark and contemplates eventual mad rescue attempts. He swallows.

In he goes.
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"Close it."

Silence, then a quiet buzz as of someone getting hit with a shock-stick. "I said close it."

Nothing. Buzz. More nothing.

"Fine," Galen growls. His face appears briefly in the oval of light high on the wall of the pumping chamber before he slams the hatch shut and all light vanishes.
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Ivan is fine for the first little while. It's dark, it's damp, it smells like sea, eh. He can't really get comfortable, but at least his headache is slowly fading and there is no longer a nerve disruptor pointed at him.

And then about the time when his eyes think they ought to have adjusted, that they should be able to see, that if there were anything anywhere in the universe Ivan would have a full visual report on it

the space



and he starts feeling for the walls and finding them much closer than he thought they were, every time he touches one, and it's too dark, and it's too small

and he screams.
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The Dendarii are four and a half hours into their twenty-four-hour recall. Miles could cut that shorter if he judged it absolutely necessary, but he'd rather let his soldiers complete their leave. They deserve it.

He's just verifying with Lieutenant Bone that the funds from Tau Ceti have been dispensed to all appropriate locations when the comm officer calls her department looking for him.

"Sir? You have a call from the downside commercial network. I don't recognize the man, but he says you want to talk to him."

"He does, does he?" Miles can't imagine what the hell it could be, but he's curious. "I'll take it here. Record it just in case, but don't listen in yourself. Lieutenant, if you could let me borrow your comconsole privately...?"

"Yes, sir," the head of Accounting says agreeably. She departs into the hall. The comm officer nods to Miles, and his face vanishes from the vid plate, to be replaced a moment later by...

Oh shit.

"I have something of yours," says David Galen, glaring intently at him from a chair in what looks like a public comconsole booth. Mark steps into the frame, stands at Galen's shoulder, and stares hollowly into the vid pickup. Miles flinches from that look as from a physical blow; it's like the stare of a soul from the deepest pits of Hell, so tormented they have forgotten all hope, forgotten even how to cry out in pain.

"Hello, Ser Galen," he says, controlling his voice to evenness. "Hello, Mark."

"Admiral," Galen sneers. He has clearly found out about the Dendarii. Has Mark turned...? That does look like the face of someone who has recently betrayed everything he loves. But no time - Miles focuses on Galen's next words. "I will not repeat myself. You will meet me in exactly seventy minutes, at the Thames Tidal Barrier, halfway between Towers Six and Seven. You will walk out on the seaward side to the lower lookout. Alone." He smiles a small, thin, absolutely vicious smile. "Then we'll talk. If any condition is not met, we will simply not be there when you arrive. And Ivan Vorpatril will die at 0206."

Mark flinches, barely perceptibly, at that last; then the vid goes blank before Miles can respond.

Miles sits frozen for several seconds, staring through the holo display that is no longer there. All the curses he knows, in four languages and multiple dialects, seem totally inadequate to the situation.

Then he keys up the comm officer again. "Seal that record, to be accessed on my authorization only, and fire off a copy to the immediate attention of Captain Thorne in Intelligence, attaching whatever information you can provide about its origins." And oh, doesn't Miles wish he'd told the man to trace it from the start... but they should still be able to pinpoint the booth with a bit of work.

"Yes, sir," says the comm officer. Miles cuts the com and nearly bolts from the room, directing Lieutenant Bone back into her office with a hasty gesture as he passes her in the hall. Bel should have plenty of time to review the record and wonder what the hell is going on while Miles sprints to Intelligence.

Damn does he ever wish he hadn't duly turned in that secured commlink when he left the embassy; if he had a secure line to Captain Galeni, if he could just call and ask after Ivan... he can still do it, but he can't do it while hurling himself down a lift tube, he'll need to be sitting at a comconsole in front of the helpful but complicating Thorne. And he has approximately thirty more seconds to think of a plausible explanation for Mark. If only he could keep this all between him and Elli and a squad or two under her command - but no, he needs Thorne because he needs Intelligence, because in case Captain Galeni cannot or will not provide sufficient information on Ivan's whereabouts, he has seventy minutes to track his cousin down. It probably won't be enough. It almost certainly won't be enough. But he cannot fail to try.

God, not to mention the dangers of Mark getting his hands on the Dendarii, with Galen holding his leash - also very much a problem for Intelligence, how to detect a substitute Admiral; at least Miles knows for sure that Mark's bones are totally normal, except for the plastic synthetics in his legs to match Miles's. He must be sure to give this information to Captain Thorne on his way out.

And will he call Captain Galeni? With some time for the mental dust to settle, a certainty is starting to settle on him. He'd bet a fully outfitted warship that Ivan has been kidnapped; it was written all over Mark's face in letters of fire. What else was written there? Some useful data, perhaps? He'll take the time to review the recorded call, when he arrives.

He bounces out of the lift tube on a trajectory that would have landed him an extended hospital stay before he had his leg bones replaced, barely stumbles, dashes down the last stretch of corridor to Bel's current post, slaps the palm lock, and staggers panting into the room.
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Thorne's dealing with the thing brought to its immediate attention. And tracing it without having to be told.

"Console in a tube station. I can have people there in minutes, but the radius will have ballooned by then, sir," it says.
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"Yeah," he says. "God... there's no point."

A half-second to catch his breath.

"Okay. I assume you're wondering who that was. The talkative one is a nasty piece of work by the name of David Galen. The short one's name is Mark. He is - as am I - a clone of a rather boring man who happens to be a very convenient route to causing chaos on a planet that shall remain nameless. Mark escaped his masters only recently, and as you saw, Galen has just reclaimed him. And kidnapped someone I would find quite irreplaceable. I mean to rescue them both, but I expect I'm going to have to attend that meeting to do it. If... if it comes up, Mark is a stunningly good mimic and would have no trouble passing himself off as me, but a close medical scan will distinguish us; my bones are riddled with old breaks, his are normal and whole." A wry smile flits across his face. "Improved model."
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"Noted, sir. What sort of backup do you want on your meeting?"
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"Put a patrol in the air over the Tidal Barrier. I'll take Commander Quinn, too. Have her meet me at the shuttle bay with a couple of med scanners. File a flight plan for my shuttle - there's enough of us still on the ground for somebody's aircar to meet us at the shuttleport, yes? Arrange it. I'm going to give that recording a once-over before I leave, in case I missed something the first time."

He thinks over this list of instructions, then adds, "And if Galen attempts to smuggle himself onto a Dendarii vessel by any means, shoot him. He is not to be trusted under any circumstances. I have no doubt he means this as a ploy to embroil the Dendarii in his personal vendettas."
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"Yes sir," says Thorne smartly, and it sets about delivering these instructions to the relevant parties.

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Miles watches the recording. This time he ignores Galen almost completely, and studies Mark's face.

Hollow despair - a flicker of something, pain perhaps, when Miles says his name - hollow despair - hollow despair - another flicker at 'Then we'll talk' - and the barely-visible flinch when Galen announces the hour of Ivan's death.

Not a lot to go on. But Miles thinks he knows how he wants to play this.

God, he hopes he's right.

"I'm out of here," he says, and heads for the shuttle bay.
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"Luck and superior firepower," Thorne wishes him on his way out.

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He flashes an acknowledging grin over his shoulder, and makes it to his shuttle mere moments after Quinn.

"Hello, Elli. We're off to play hero," he greets her. "That waste of breath Galen escaped from prison and promptly got his hands on Mark and Ivan, the latter of whom he is holding hostage. I hope to prove to him that Mark is not as far under his control as he thinks."
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"Oh, poor Cousin Ivan," murmurs Elli. And they're off.

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Miles spends the entire trip, from the Triumph down to the shuttleport and through shuttleport security and onto a Dendarii aircar and over to the seawall, nearly vibrating out of his skin with impatience. He calms down at last when they land in a parking lot near the meeting point.

First to pop out and disable the transmit indicator light on his wristcom, then a comm check with Elli, who will be monitoring this conversation from afar in case it doesn't go well. Freshly escaped from prison, Galen is unlikely to have access to the kind of extensive and subtle anti-spying measures that might alert him to this little ruse. Next Miles conceals two stunners about his person, double-checks the rest of his equipment, and heads out to the seawall. Up and over and through and down - his rappelling harness comes in handy for the descent to the lower walkway. Around the curve of the seawall, heart pounding, come on Mark don't let me down

The walkway ends in a little roundish space. Galen and Mark are standing there, stunners drawn, flanking the hatch in the wall. Both weapons swivel to point at him. He stands empty-handed, palms turned out, and quirks his eyebrows.

"No bodyguard? No backup? No weapon?" Galen says sharply. "What are you playing at, Vorkosigan?"

"I came here to talk." He lets his gaze flick back and forth between them, Galen leaning forward slightly with an expression of deep hatred, Mark standing straight with no expression at all. Except around his eyes. Those eyes are a window into the coldest level of hell.

"The more fool you." Galen lowers his stunner, and draws a nerve disruptor.

Miles has to work very hard not to flinch. The silver bell of the weapon's muzzle draws his gaze like a magnet. "It's not too late to stop," he says quietly.

"Stop? Why would I want to stop?"

"I came to talk. Will you listen?"

"To your lies? I don't think so. But it's convenient that you really did come alone. It will make this easier."
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"Let me do it," Mark says abruptly. His bleak stare shifts to something vicious and hungry.

"What?" says Galen, flicking an incredulous glance at him.

"I'm going to be playing a mercenary admiral and I've never killed anyone. I want to start with him. Let me do it."

"You've hardly been a model of good behaviour lately. You just spent a week living with him; if you want to kill him so badly, why didn't you do it then and save us the trouble?"

"No exit strategy. I've sure as hell got one now, you saw to that. Let me do it," Mark repeats intently.

Galen considers him for a long moment, studying the way he stares at Miles, a mirror of Galen's own unconcealed loathing. Then he hands over the nerve disruptor.

And Mark shoots him.
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And then there are two of Miles, and the one holding a nerve disruptor shudders and makes it vanish and hauls open the heavy door behind him.

"This way!"

Down the corridor to the pumping chamber—

"Are you serious," hisses Miles-proper.

"Yes," Mark says flatly, almost losing character for a moment as he bites out the word. Miles shuts up and gets out his grav harness. They cooperate with near-telepathic efficiency to open the access hatch. Miles sticks his head in, glimpses a human figure in the dimness, makes sure the grapple is anchored solidly on the wall, and throws the harness down.
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Light does not exist, light was a figment of his imagination and he has since gone terribly unbearably sane -

Ivan squints and stops his hoarse helpless noisemaking, breathes deeply, reaches with raw and ragged hands for the harness and tangles himself up in it to be hauled up back into light and space and not imminent death.
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Miles hits the control to reel him up, and Mark helps pull him out of the hatch.

For once it is in fact Miles who is happier to see him; Mark is not currently happy about anything. Fractionally less depressed now that Ivan has been retrieved, maybe.
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This, interestingly, does not impede Ivan's recognition abilities, although he does not exercise them to much effect right away; he just pants and tries to adjust to the light. It's not even very much light.

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"Elli? Time for pickup," says Miles into his wristcom.

"And they'd better do something about that body before the sea gets it," says Mark.

"What's the fastest route to somewhere an aircar can pick us up?"

"Straight up the Tower Six lift tube."

"Copy that, Elli? Send somebody to dispose of Galen and meet us outside Tower Six." Miles glances at Ivan. "Preferably just you in the aircar. I'm thinking we'll head straight to the embassy."
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"Body...? You killed that Komarran bastard who shut me up in there?" croaks Ivan. "Good."

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"On it, sir," says Elli.

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"It was all Mark," says Miles. "I just showed up and provided an excuse for him to talk Galen into handing over the nerve disruptor."

Mark has nothing to say about this. He turns and heads for the lift tube. Miles detaches the harness from Ivan and the wall, which also gives him time to assess Ivan's ability to walk.
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Ivan can walk. His legs are fine, and now that he is not in a tiny gap in a seawall his brain is recovering too; these are the ingredients for walking.

"Figured you had something in mind," Ivan mutters.
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If that was addressed at Mark, he doesn't appear to notice.

Up the lift tube they go.
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Elli's waiting for them.

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"Hello, Elli," greets Miles. "Load up, everybody, time to—oh for fuck's sake, Mark, if you're still in earshot get your ass back here immediately."

No Mark appears. Miles growls under his breath.
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"Mark?" tries Ivan.
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There he is!

Miles grabs his arm and physically hauls him onto the aircar.
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Ivan follows in and plops down.

He looks out the window while Elli takes off and his heartbeat calms the hell down.
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Miles looks at Mark, who is staring at the floor in seriously depressed Miles-mode, and decides not to try to engage him in conversation just yet.

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"This is going to be tons of fun to report about," Ivan says, which prompts him to have a bit of a coughing fit.

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"Well," says Miles, "I still have that urgent mission to go do, and unfortunately I can't blow it off to write reports. ...For God's sake, Mark, you're making me depressed. We won, remember? You won."

Mark does not respond.

Miles scoots closer and hugs him.

Mark freezes.
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Ivan should've thought of that but he was somewhat distracted with all this urgent looking out the window he needs to be doing. "Hell, Mark, he's dead, he can't get you now," he says. "I should've killed him in the first place."

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Mark unfreezes and scrunches down and lets Miles continue to hug him. Miles continues to hug him. It seems to be helping, or at least, the warning bells in the back of Miles's head are no longer ringing such an insistent tune of 'suicide watch, suicide watch'.

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"'M I going to have to carry you into the embassy, Mark?" wonders Ivan. "Now that'd give -" cough cough - "a wrong picture of who bailed who out."

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"Mark can walk under his own power," Miles says firmly.

"Yeah," murmurs Mark.
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"Where'd you try to disappear to, anyway?"

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"Just... away. Somewhere," says Mark.

"To the most depressing place he could find on short notice, probably," says Miles.
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"I'm missing something."
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"...Mark is currently being me to stave off his post-murdering-Galen panic attack, and whatever he's feeling under there, it's translating into a more depressed Miles than I can recall ever having been in my life," says Miles.

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(Coughing fit.)

"...Well, soon we'll be back at the embassy and you can get your panic attack over with?"
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"That'll be nice," snorts Mark.

"Humour! Bleak depressing humour, but it's a start!" says Miles. He hugs Mark some more. Mark sighs and leans on him.
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And there is the embassy.

"Gonna have to drop you off and run," says Miles, "I'm still needed offplanet. Mark? Refrain from doing anything exceptionally stupid?"

"Mm," says Mark.

"Mark," says Miles.
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"Stupid like...?"

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"I'm not going to get into specifics lest I give him ideas," says Miles. "Mark. Seriously."

"...I won't do anything you'll wish you'd blown off your mission to prevent me from doing," says Mark. "My word as Vorkosigan."

"All right," says Miles, satisfied.
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"Right then. Have fun doing whatever it is, Miles," says Ivan, and he goes out of the aircar.

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Mark follows. The aircar takes off behind them.

"I don't actually know if Captain Galeni is still alive," he says reflectively. "Galen might've tried to recruit him and then killed him when he wouldn't turn."
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"Well. Let's go check."

In they go.

Galeni seems very surprised to see them.

They haven't even been noticed missing yet.
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Mark sticks around exactly long enough to verify that Galeni is alive - less than a second - and then heads to Miles's room to have a panic attack in it.

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Ivan sticks around long enough to deliver a report.

Then he gets some food from the cafeteria and plenty of water too and brings it back to his and Mark's room, and eats half and leaves the rest for Mark to have when he is done panicking.
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That may be a while.
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Well, if it takes until, say, lunchtime, Ivan will knock.

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Mark does not answer the knock.

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"Right, Mark, I'm giving you till midafternoon and then I am barging in to make sure you have not cried out all your liquids and turned into a mummified husk."
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And does he come back around midafternoon?
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Yep. Knock knock?

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No response.

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Ivan tries the door. He'd really rather not have to bother Galeni about circumventing the lock.

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The door is not locked.

There is Mark, curled up on what was previously Miles's bed, doing nothing whatsoever.
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Ivan lets himself in and closes the door and plops on the edge of the bed, there being plenty of room between Mark's height and all this curling he's doing.

"This is a long one," he remarks.
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"This isn't a panic attack," murmurs Mark. "I don't quite know what it is."

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"Oh. Well, what's it feel like?"

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"I don't know..."

He trails off, and is quiet for a few seconds.

Then: "I'm sorry. Is that what people say...? I'm sorry I - that I let him. That I didn't do something sooner."
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"I mean, he had a nerve disruptor. I didn't do anything either."

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Pat, pat?

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"You're welcome. And hey, th'bastard's dead now. That's that."

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At that, he actually smiles.

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"Wish I'd killed him in the first place," Ivan mutters. "He already deserved it, but no, I had to stun him..."

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"Wish I'd assassinated him while he was in prison. Except I probably couldn't have gone through with it."

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"Or gotten away with it."

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"That part wouldn't have been hard."
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"Nah. I may not be good for much else, but I'm a fucking excellent assassin. I wouldn't have gotten caught. They could suspect me on motive all they liked, but not prove I'd been anywhere near him."

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"Huh. Well, moot now, unless his accomplices need killing."

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"I don't care about them. They probably can't escape without his help, and if they do and come after me I can kill them then."

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"Right." Pause. "I think I know how he grabbed me. How'd he get you?"

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"He sent me a message telling me to erase the message log and then meet him. I could have stayed in your room and had panic attacks until someone found me, and hoped it wasn't him breaking in to punish me... but you weren't home yet, and you should've been. So I figured he had you. And there might be a chance I could do something about it if I went, but not much of one if I stayed."

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"...You're welcome," he says. "If that's the phrase."

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"It is, usually, though nobody'd fault you for tweaking it to snark at me here, I think."

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"I should probably go eat something."

Miles did make him promise not to kill himself. Starvation counts.
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"Yeah, I brought some food back earlier but it all got cold. I could go get another plate, if you'd eat it now and don't want to go to the cafeteria."

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"That would be... nice. Thank you."

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"You're welcome."

Pat pat. Ivan gets up and lets himself out. He comes back a bit later with food for both of them.
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Mark has progressed to sitting upright by this point.

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Then he can have a plate on his lap.

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Food. Yes. He can eat food.
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"You're welcome."

Ivan sits next to him and also eats.
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Maybe he won't have to remind himself what he promised Miles quite as often as he expected.
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When the food is gone, Ivan scoops up Mark and hugs him. This involves more use of his forearms than usual - he's been to the infirmary but they're not wizards - but he does it just fine.
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Mark shivers, and hugs back.
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"Are you going to move into this room until they want it for something else?" Ivan asks after he's set Mark down.

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"I don't know. I just came here so I could be maximally depressing without getting in your way. I can go back," he shrugs. "Seems like I'm not maximally depressing anymore."

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"I mean, considering the circumstances, 'oh look, a total absence of Mark, he's probably off being a lump somewhere' would have been rather depressing all by itself, if I'd been in my room rather than not."

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"I hadn't thought of it that way."

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"Is that what that is."

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"Yep. I think so, anyway, don't let anybody tell you I'm an expert."

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"More of an expert than I am."

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"I will give you that."

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"Anyway, you can move here if you want for now, but the powers that be will feel quite free to squeeze you in with me again on no notice if they need a room for something."

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"Eh. I'll stay with you."

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"In that case I'm supposed to neaten up the place so it doesn't look so lived-in if they do put someone else here. Want to bet Miles forgot a sock?"

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"He deliberately abandoned most of his local civilian clothes. No bet."

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Ivan snorts and sets about his neatening task.

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Mark carries off Miles's abandoned clothes. They'll all fit him, after all.

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How sensible!

It doesn't take Ivan very long to make the room look like Miles was never there to eyes that do not belong to Mark. Then he goes and does his actual job for the day, or rather the rest of it, and then he brings Mark a late dinner and eats one himself, and then he goes back to the infirmary for a check on the state of his hands, and then it is early bedtime.
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Mark lumps lumpishly in his bed in Ivan's room for much of this time, and then lumpish lumping turns into lumpish sleeping. But he does eat dinner.

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How about breakfast in the morning?

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Yes, he eats that too! Hooray for Mark.

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"How're you doing?" Ivan asks anyway.

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He shrugs.

"I'll be all right, probably. Miles did make me promise not to kill myself."
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"Is that what he made you promise."
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"It was foremost on his mind. But the same promise goes just as well for, oh, not disappearing in the middle of the night and roaming the wormhole nexus picking pockets and crying for a year."

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"That sounds like a singularly unpleasant year."

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"Would've suited my mood at the time. I'm feeling a little better now, though."

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"And it didn't take you a year!"

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"I expect the promise Miles extracted will probably keep you from actually killing yourself, but... don't want to? If you can?"

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"Thank you."

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"I am always here to make awkward requests about your emotional state."

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...Mark giggles.

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"Ha. Got a laugh." Ivan ruffles Mark's hair and then goes off to work.

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Ivan is so good at cheering up Mark. Ivan is the best at cheering up Mark.