"Don't you worry, Miles, I can tell you apart even when he's putting you on."
"They'll probably put you next door. Unless they've got a reason to prefer moving Mark."
"Less hassle that way. ...You should probably tell th'captain that Mark saw through your cover."
"Well, they're enough your problem that I'm not planning to tell him, but, I don't know, seems - polite."
"Yeah, well. What's your read on him, am I going to be in trouble for having a psychic brother?"
"Not more than 'confined to the embassy' amounts of trouble, I wouldn't expect. Possibly also a lecture?"
"I," says Mark, "am still very stuck on how your secret mercenaries came to be named after the bloody Dendarii Mountains. Isn't that just a touch obvious?"
"I didn't mean them to be my secret mercenaries when I named them. I didn't actually mean them to exist when I named them. It all just sort of... happened," says Miles.