"What kinds of little things? Because I'm pretty sure this is my world's magic doing its thing, and I could tell you what sounds like its style."
"Kinda her fault," he says, indicating Korulen with a gesture. "Not sure about the 'how I got here' part, I was asleep for the getting here and half-asleep for the explanation, but from what I've been hearing all the sudden weird magic stuff sounds like it'd fit right in back home. Basically: if you wish or pray for something, sometimes you get it, but nobody's sure exactly why you do or don't, except that there's periods of time when it works and then it doesn't and then it does again, usually pieces of a day. And you don't always get exactly what you were asking for, but you usually get something that more or less covers it, or at least helps, sometimes with weird extras but they're nice weird extras or at worst inconveniently silly. A lot of the time there's candy. There's some old stories that say if you ask for something really nasty you could end up with donkey ears or food screaming every time you eat it or something, but I haven't heard of that actually happening to anybody for sure in the last, like, fifty years."
She winces.
"Myyyyy roommate talked me into co-casting a summon with her. An old enormous summon."
"At about the right time?"
"Yeah," she says. "Pretty much exactly. I guess his magic's contagious."
"Where you're from," Kaylo asks Teah, "is there anything like a serious study or even just a statistical analysis of how all this works or is that literally all that's known?"
"I mean, people have tried studying it, but it's kind of hard. I guess somebody somewhere's probably done some statistics, but I guess they didn't figure out anything interesting, 'cause it would've been all over the news for sure. Uh, I remember somebody tried to figure out what languages it could speak, and they got lucky, and the answer was 'all of them' as far as anybody could tell. But I only read like two sentences about it somewhere, it didn't say how they checked."
"Look, I'm sorry that me and Saasnil got weird offworld magic in your nice clean theory, but hasn't it been doing important, good things?" says Korulen. "Maybe more important than untainted studies about Tah Roie rhythms or whatever?"
"I reserve the right to complain!" exclaims Kaylo.
He tries the shoes. The shoes fit! Not perfectly, but well enough. "Thanks! Sorry about your science!"
"Come on," says Korulen, ushering Teah in the direction of the lift.
Paraasilan looks different from the places he's used to. Not that different, in the greater scheme of things, but different. It's interesting.
He doesn't pick out a lot of things, but he picks out good ones. Pretty fast, too, for how well it turns out.
He picks out more things! Sheets that fit his bed and are optimally cozy for their price; miscellaneous items of hygiene and personal grooming.