Kanimir is, as he often is, sitting in his library enjoying a book on magic and pondering theoretical innovation. He has an idea; he writes it down. It probably won't pan out, most of them don't, but it might.
enslaving elementals offends Kanimir grievously
"Can you show me how to make something more substantial than fruit for next time I need to eat while you're asleep - I'm rather exhausted now, and haven't even decided if I want to be on his schedule or yours -"
And Maurabel thanks her and asks for spare clothes that might fit her and then crashes really hard in a guest room.
Oh good.
She sleeps for ten hours.
Penumbra wakes up before she does and tentatively wanders the house.
She eventually finds Maurabel's room and, satisfied that she could locate it again, goes back to hers.
Maurabel wakes up eventually and goes foraging.