plant fairy bell on amenta
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"Okay." But not much, she did have breakfast and has been following the sun.


That is okay. "Do you want to stay here with me for the afternoon or stay with Kan?"


"Is he doing the same kinda stuff?"


"Yeah. He does more emails and not as many meetings. I really like meetings, they are my favoritest thing."


"Emails would be less fun to watch. I'll stay. Maybe another day I'll go with him and bring books in case."


"That seems sensible." Hug. "Thank you for waiting with questions."


"I said I would write them down and I did."


"And I appreciate it."


"Do I ask them now?"


"I would rather some of them wait until we are home but you could ask ones that are about who people are or what they do now."


She has a handful of those.


He can explain people and what they do!


And then he plops her back down in the sun and has more meetings! This person is annoyed with him over something unrelated to Orvara and requires soothing. This person wants to relocate Anitam's secret robotics program; Aitim expresses, but attributes to someone else, the concern that this would be too obvious and leave family at home vulnerable to retaliation. Someone else wants to know why the visas are a good idea. A reporter wants a statement; he still sticks to eight sentences but they're a different eight sentences.


Huh, a reporter. Hi reporter.


Reporter smiles at the cute tiny child and asks questions about Aitim's family which he is willing to answer at more length.


Is any of that about Lintalai?


Yes! He is curious how old she is and what her name is and whether she's his first and whether the nanny couldn't make it today ("no, she's just a very curious little blue and enjoys my meetings") and he thinks it is cute that their hair matches.


Is she supposed to answer any questions or are they just going to talk about her?


The reporter will eventually ask her very cheerfully if she knows what she wants to be when she grows up and what she finds interesting these days.


"I have not decided what to be! I like reading and taking notes on things."


"She is very smart and takes very meticulous notes," says Aitim proudly. And the reporter is suitably impressed and leaves and Aitim talks with his secretary awhile and then scoops Lintalai to take her home.




They fetch Kan on their way out. They go home. "Okay," says Aitim when they have gotten home. "Now I can answer questions. Thank you for being patient."


"Uh-huh. You told that one guy -" She looks up the name. "- different stuff from what you told me about things to do with Orvara."


"Yes. I was trying to convince him that issuing the visas is a good idea. I did not need to convince you of that because I think it struck you as a good idea already."


"...not you just mentioned more things."

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