After three days of remedial instruction on mission protocol (and why you do not neglect to call) courtesy of Batman himself, Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash are released from subjectively eternal torment. At 8 AM on July 8, they're asked to travel via Zeta tube to Mount Justice, where they will finally get to hear more about their new team.
The proper way is— and then she sends a magical signature, approximately the magical equivalent of 'smash it,' —so nothing particularly fancy. There are probably other ways to disarm it, but I hacked this together so I don't know all of the proper countermeasures. Just smashing it will not work, that will make it make an awful high pitched dog whistle sound because I am mean and crafty, but smashing it and then otherwise disrupting it by, uh, I dunno, maybe setting it on fire or something? That might work. But: high pitched dog whistle sound that will torment my brother if you smash and then can't disarm, so. Don't do that.
If you smashed it, yes! Yes I was. Until you figured out how to disrupt the magical chemical bonds present in the noisemaker, which probably would have taken five minutes if you were sufficiently motivated. You broke my clever plan and I was mad.
Noisemaker, meet the magical equivalent of a baseball bat. Goodbye, noisemaker—only another fifty-something to go. He 'smashes' a few more on the way to meet up with the others.