As I said, I only need one liftfruit a month to continue to operate. To run the living quarters for all of you should also be only a single fruit more per month; I was not including it as a 'facility' in my reckoning. Agriculture requires more mana; I would estimate around six lift-fruit a month would be needed to spread the grove further, though at a slow rate. Another half-dozen lift-fruit could enable me to create mana-rich fertilizer that would make the existing liftfruit crops turn out faster, or alternately shed more fruit in each crop. No lift-fruit would be needed to allow it to simply grow naturally at its usual rate.
To run the shipyard at full capacity perhaps twenty-five fruit a month would be needed, but it would be functional to complete the existing ship on ten, if you ran the respective facilities in order.
As for additional facilities, there is the amphitheater, which has many comforts and luxuries to keep visiting dignitaries in comfort and pleasure; the lab beneath this cathedral, where the new breed of lift-fruit was developed, and other holy magic might be researched; the church itself, which is a potent channel to heal and repair that which is injured or broken when the power of the lift-fruit is passed through it; and the great anchors and engines of the island, which prevent this place from being blown about in storms, allow the island to move under its own power, and allow other islands and ships to safely dock without fear of crashing into this one. There are also certain refineries for steel, glass and so on in the ship-yard that might be operated separately from their ship-building purpose to produce other components, which we may need in the coming months.
This island's moorings have been torn out by a great storm I could not shelter against; it once was in the center of the republic, but now I do not know how far it has drifted. I know that the right direction to search in is southwest, but the speed this island's engines can make on less than a dozen lift-fruits is not at all enviable. Better to finish the existing ship.