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PeachPlus Pirates and Stars play the new Clan Diplomance MMO. It's more immersive than expected.
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The ampitheatre they're in is deserted; there's no-one to be seen. To one side there's an extended dock jutting out into the air, but there's no ships waiting at it. 

On the left side from facing the cathedral, there's what looks like a shipyard to the west, empty of anyone in it. And to the right there's a large grove of trees, which seem to be growing liftfruit. 

The ampitheatre itself is cut of white marble, and looks like it must have been ruinously expensive to build. 

Of whoever spoke, there is no sign.


Gloria looks over at the shipyard. There's the bones of a vessel there, but it looks incomplete.

"It looks like this island used to be some kind of important place. Maybe it's... a cradle for making new ships? With magical and industrial resources?"


"Or it could just be a religious site that happens to have a shipyard."


"Yeah, maybe. It's definitely important, whatever it is."


Hailey shares a look with Sable for a moment, then nods. "Want me to overfly it and then catch up while you're on your way up to the cathedral?"


"That would be lovely. You could maybe take Neo with you?" 


Hailey gives Neo a considering look. "Wanna go scouting?"


She nods and bounds into the air, fluttering swiftly toward the shipyard.


"Well, that answers that." She kicks off the ground as well and wings lazily after her. With a quick hand-sign, they split apart as they approach the shipyard, starting their coverage of it from opposite sides.


Meanwhile, Sable tugs Sin into her side as they walk up toward the Cathedral, teasing little caresses playing across her skin. She leans down with a smirk and presses a soft kiss between her fuzzy ears.


Sin blushes deeper and leans into Sable's side. There's not a lot she can do about this situation, so... best not to panic...


The shipyard is dominated by a three-quarters built ship. It has long wooden spines to each side of its body, seemingly intended to form wings with some form of membrane, but there doesn't seem to be an engine in place to drive it. 

There are still tools on some of the workbenches, and the area is somewhat in disarray; it would seem whoever lived here evacuated in a hurry.

There's a small bunkhouse along the right side of the shipyard, where Hailey is flying; and on the left side where Neo is flying there's a deep pool, seemingly meant for bathing. 


Gloria leads the way toward the cathedral. There's a smaller fountain courtyard outside, and then the archway of the main cathedral. The doors are slightly ajar.

Gloria stops just outside the door, and listens.




"You know, if we're in the game, there's totally going to be a cutscene as soon as we enter the cathedral, right?"


"Seems plausible. Though I'm not sure we should trust the world to be polite enough to wait for us."


"I bet exposition's gonna start but it won't be a big whole cutscene experience so we better wait for—oh! Hailey! Neo!"

Ruby looks up to the sky.


Sable lightly pinches one of Sin's nipples as she looks up as well.


Neo flutters down, Hailey gliding behind her.


"Welcome back, girls," Maya greets the pair. "What did you find?"


"Living quarters, bathing pool, and a three-quarters-built skyship without an engine core," Hailey replies. "Good thing we have a liftfruit girlfriend."


"Indeed," she agrees with a smile.


Hyacinth blushes as her nipple is pinched and leans a little more against Sable.


"Glad to see you two back unmolested." Gloria winks at Neo.


Neo waggles her eyebrows, nods, and walks toward the cathedral with a playful shimmy of her hips. If she teases the other girls long enough, probably at least one of them will pounce her and take advantage.

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