Lotus didn't start the fire - that was probably the dragon, she doesn't know for sure but it's the most likely hypothesis given, you know, dragon - but she was ready for it. She had gone for the library, joining the foolhardy, heroic-minded individuals rushing in and out to save the books. She had grabbed the books she needed and then raced across the campus, heading for the teleportation circles. The building is unguarded, for once - not surprising given, you know, dragon - so she slips in. She picks the nearest circle, disrupts it so it will pick a destination at random - should make her harder to track down if that's anybody's priority given, you know, dragon - and steps in.
"That sounds pretty great."
"Um. This is going to sound kind of evil, but - is there a reason you haven't just killed everyone when they're too young to have done anything damnable?"
"It does sound kind of evil but not in a way that suggests you're evil, I don't think. Most of the reason is that even if you explained the math to them, even if they understood it, most people would not prefer that. And people have a right to make their own choices."
"Are there other obstacles to a straightforward breakout from Hell? There's, what, a thousand prisoners? Is there just a ridiculous guard to prisoner ratio, or is it something about the plane itself, or...?"
"Ridiculous guard-to-prisoner ratio and difficulty in getting there are the main things."
"My magic does planar travel - not trivially, but possibly scalably. How many demons per prisoner?"
"Well, even not knowing that, we might be able to get a thousand or so people up to the right level, scry for the locations of each prisoner, pop in and out before the demons can stop us. This doesn't solve the problem long-term but it gets those people out."
"Well, it can only safely be done once. I guess most volunteers would probably end up in heaven so there's not that much at risk, but..."
"Well, I'm not certain regular high-risk missions to save whoever won the "worst person to die this year" award are a good plan, but as a one-time thing it seems probably worth it. It'll be pretty tricky logistically to get a thousand people vetted and introduced to a new magic system and practiced up to the level of plane shifting, but that seems like the sort of thing that could be managed on this plane. We'd also need to figure out how to do it deliberately, it can be done but I don't know the spell and I wound up here by accident."
"It will take some time, can I have a way to contact you directly? I could always go through Kanimir but he doesn't like me very much."
"Kanimir doesn't like anyone very much, except his sister, I advise not taking it personally, but I do have an email address--has email been explained to you?"
"Oh, I wasn't taking it personally at all, I had noticed it was not specific to me. I just don't want to bother him unnecessarily. Email has not been explained to me yet but if you give me the address I can use it once I figure it out."
"I won't turn down an explanation, if it's short. It's kind of late and I spent today's daylight hours staring at a screen reading wikipedia and I think I will need to sleep soon. Unless you have a magical angel headache cure, then I can probably keep going for a while longer. Asprin seems to be not quite cutting it."
"Non-urgent things are fine too, I've just exhausted my current supply of questions for you and don't want to keep you if that's it."