Sadde and Isabella in Eclipse
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Awww, that's cute. She has the cupcake. She eats it a little carefully in case there is a further clue tucked into the frosting or something but there isn't. Next guess is the cafeteria.


Sadde is absent from the cafeteria.

But, wonder of wonders, cupcakes are actually being served this morning!


...any notes near the cupcakes?


Nope, but the lady serving food gives her a knowing smile and hands her a nicely-wrapped package containing, probably, clothes, judging by the shape and consistency, and an envelope attached to it.


Ha, okay. Envelope first.


Hello again, ma'am!

The day we met, you had me fetch you a brownie. But I figured the cupcake would be tastier and nicer. This clue is also related to stuff we did together, I hope you like it.

With love,

Your Pet


She gets herself some toast and bacon and unwraps the present while she eats it.


It's a very pretty and fancy swimsuit! As well as a pretty (though maybe not fancy, if that adjective can even be applied to a) pair of swimming goggles.


All right then. Isabella goes to the pool after breakfast.


And there, floating on top of a buoy practically smack in the middle of the empty pool, is a bouquet of flowers.


Bella doesn't feel like hopping in the water so she gets the net and fishes them out that way.


The bouquet has quite the variety of flowers. Tucked among them is a tiny cactus (a different kind than the one Isabella already has), with a tiny sombrero on top of it. And, of course, a note:

Our first three dates, all bunched together in this. Kinda. Didn't want to drag you all the way to the Taqueria. Besides, tiny cactus with tiny sombrero, I couldn't pass up that opportunity.

With love,

Your Pet


Presumably her pet also didn't mean to drag her all the way to the cactus museum? That's even farther away. Anyway, she goes back to her room to put the plants away and takes a while to mull over this clue; it's not obvious.


Probably not. And upon inspection she will find that the bouquet of flowers was not bought—it was picked, and assembled by hand. The specific types of flowers present might be familiar, as well.


Hm. Well, there aren't that many concentrations of flowers around. She goes to the flowerbed by the nearest cluster of classroom buildings.


And there, tucked among the flowers, is a thin transparent folder with a few sheets of paper and yet another little envelope inside.


And what does it say?


The note:

I'm running out of things to say! But I think you'll like the little remaining bits. This clue is twofold—do you recognize the song, and where it came from?

With love,

Your Pet

And the sheets of paper are actually sheet music for an à cappella version of "Can you feel the love tonight" sung by a choir.


It's from the Lion King. She can't think of any associations with the Lion King and accessible locations.

She can try the choir room though.


And there, waiting for her, is the choir—

—and Sadde. As soon as she walks in, they start singing (well, serenading, really, given that Sadde's the lead singer here) the song she has sheet music for.

It's very pretty.




After the song's done, Sadde walks up to her, smiling sheepishly and looking up at her through her eyelashes, and says, "Happy birthday, ma'am."


Isabella seizes her by the collar and kisses her.


Eeeeee kiss!

The choir awwwwwwws.


"You're adorable," she tells Sadde. "What's the other half of this clue, I can't think of any Lion King themed locations."

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