beka is portalsnaked to evil arda
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Also snuggles for Beka? Beka just understands it to be sort of an obvious option that if someone is in your power you can fuck them if you want!


Also snuggles for Beka!




I love you too!


And Macalaurë has a lovely time with his girlfriends who don't mind that his brother keeps a personal prisoner.


And Peka puts all the Katins to bed and sleeps insofar as they let her. (Kat sleeps through the night and when Cathei wakes she wants the wetnurse-Elf; Katin will sometimes wake up and go back down if walked.)


In the morning he has work to not neglect and kisses girlfriends and has them escorted back.


They hang out. Beka can play translator for the other two. They talk about things which are mostly not the King's consort.


When things are all done he will come find them and explain how one might go about developing a magic song that could charge a pocket everything. It would take a very, very long time - probably decades - but.


"I don't think decades old electronics usually work. I'm not sure exactly why though."


"Decay? It affects all kinds of things you wouldn't expect it to - Valinor didn't have it and when we got here we were scrambling -"


"They're not organic. It might just be wear and tear but for some reason I feel like if you found old everythings from ten years ago that were still in their boxes they wouldn't work either, but I might just be wrong."


"Huh. Well, then that's no good."


"It'd be really disappointing to work that long on a charging song and then have it not work anyway!"


"Wouldn't it just. Oh well." Songs that definitely do work!


Magic songs are the best.


They really, really are!


Peka can eventually be distracted from the topic of Macalaurë's awkwardly imprisoned in-law and stop always taking Katins-watching duty.


Macalaurë is glad of this. It's weird when people are upset about the thing. He takes Peka and company to valleys to frolic in and sings lots of songs and has lots of sex.


It is rather transgressively thrilling to frolic in valleys really.


I don't have - that in particular - but doing things that growing up the world would have crushed you for doing is - a good feeling.


What stuff is like that for you?


Saying insulting things about the gods. Having sex even though I'm not married. 


There are some life philosophies on Amenta which call for monogamy in the sense of being really really sure that you want to stick with a person forever before you have sex with them or make certain other overtures but as far as Peka knows (which isn't very far) they don't care beyond that whether the marriage part comes before or after the sex part. It's based on vague theological mumbling about animals which pairbond for life or something.

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